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China Won’t Denounce Russian Aggression



While the rest of the world condemns Russian aggression in Ukraine, China has not denounced the recent incursion into the former Soviet satellite.

The death toll in Ukraine has risen to 137 according to Independent UK—with an additional 316 wounded at the time of this writing.

China claims that U.S. inflammation via NATO and other initiatives are to blame for the recent Russian military attack on Ukrainian forces in the region.

It’s no secret that China and Russia have shared interests, and the protection of those interests seems to be on display according to the most recent reports:

The Epoch Times provided statements made by China’s foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying :

Hua said that China isn’t directly involved in the conflict and has been acting responsibly by urging de-escalation.

“Why are you obsessed with China’s condemnation?” she asked a reporter at one point, and to another, who persisted with the same question, she blamed Washington for “hyping up war” and sending ammunition to Ukraine—a charge that the United States has denied. Russia, she said, has stated that “its armed forces will not conduct any missile or artillery strikes on any Ukrainian city.”

“To make a suggestion, you may go ask the U.S.: They started the fire and fanned the flame, how are they going to put out the fire now?”


Reuters mentioned this in a related report indicating that current financial interests run deep between the two nations:

President Vladimir Putin unveiled new Russian oil and gas deals with China worth an estimated $117.5 billion on Friday, promising to ramp up Russia’s Far East exports at a time of heightened tension with European customers over Ukraine.



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