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Denmark to Become First European Country to Offer 4th COVID-19 Shot



On Wednesday, Denmark announced plans to roll out a 4th dose of the COVID-19 injection. The Scandinavian nation will become the first in Europe to offer the booster. 

The decision comes on the heels of EU regulators stating repeated COVID-19 boosters could damage the immune system and aren’t a feasible strategy.

The additional shot will become available later this week for individuals who have pre-existing conditions and took the initial booster in Fall 2021.

Danish officials will also consider the 4th dose for elderly citizens and nursing home residents. 

Reuters reported:

Denmark will offer a fourth coronavirus vaccination to the most vulnerable citizens as it faces record infections from the Omicron variant, the country’s health minister said on Wednesday.

The move comes as lawmakers agreed to ease restrictions at the end of the week, including reopening cinemas and music venues, as hospitalisation rates and deaths have stabilised despite the surge in cases.

“The more widespread the infection is in society, the greater the risk that the infection will reach our most vulnerable,” Health Minister Magnus Heunicke said.

“We are now embarking on a new chapter, namely a decision to offer the fourth jab to the most vulnerable citizens,” he told reporters.

As Infowars noted, other European nations may disregard warnings from EU regulators and follow Denmark’s lead:

Israel was among the first nations in the world to unveil a fourth shot for residents, followed by Chile earlier this week. Hungary is also mulling whether to do the same, while experts in Austria have proposed fourth doses on an “off-label” basis, despite misgivings from the European Union’s drug regulator, the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The body recently warned that there is insufficient data to know if a fourth shot would be beneficial, with its chief vaccine official Marco Cavaleri questioning whether “repeated vaccinations within short intervals” is a “sustainable long-term strategy.”



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