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Noah’s MORNING Newsletter – 7/17/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Wednesday morning Newsletter.

Just like I told you when 2024 started, there is going to be so much news this year and increasing at such a fast pace as the year goes on, that we won’t be able to keep up with it all.

But I’m doing my best.

And bringing you these Morning Report updates whenever I can.

You’re really going to like this one I think….

Ok, so last night I brought you my Exclusive NEW interview with Jovan Pulitzer, where he absolutely blows the lid off the official Trump shooting story.

It’s going viral and for good reason.

In case you missed it:

Jovan Pulitzer: “Return Snipers Did NOT Kill Him” — “There Was A Second Malvo Shooter!”

But it’s also very heavy….

Very dark implications….

Bad things for our country, very bad.

And this isn’t helping:

Is The FBI Destroying Crime Scene Evidence?

But that’s why I want to now show you this….

If you need a bit of good news, some optimism, some confirmation that things are going to end well — REALLY WELL — you need to see this.

You see, I think this is exactly why God gave Kim Clement this incredibly detailed prophetic vision now known as his “Seasons Prophecy” way back in 2014.

It was so a decade later we’d have the confidence to know this will all end very well.

Many will FALL in Fall….

And Winter then says “I will make them happy”.

You may have heard those lines before, but it’s going to blow your mind all the NEW things that have just emerged about this prophecy even in the last 12 hours.

Spoiler alert: the Right Ear was no accident, no accident at all.  Very prophetic.  Very key.

TREY SMITH: “Strange July!” — The Ear Was Straight Out Of The Bible!

Then we have this stunning moment…

I can’t even imagine what it must have been like to be there at this moment:

NEW FOOTAGE Emerges Of President Trump Arriving At The Hospital — Patients React To Seeing A Bloody President Trump

Getting lost in all the other news is this leaked video.

In case you haven’t seen it:

WATCH: RFK, Jr.’s LEAKED Trump Video

And I want to continue asking for your immediate help with this.

Stop what you are doing and join us to Pray.

Right now.


Thank you.

I’ll see you back here tonight for the FULL report just like normal.

Your friend,



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Because I always want you to be able to find them.

Here’s why I’m telling you this….

Because as we head into the 2024 election, I’m already noticing our emails are getting censored a LOT more often.

Getting many reports of people being unsubscribed against their will or just simply not receiving the emails even though they have signed up multiple times!

Crazy right?

So I wanted to make sure you knew you could ALWAYS find our Nightly Newsletter right on the TruthLion homepage right here:

I recommend you bookmark that and save it to your favorites.

No matter how much they try to censor us, you can always find us over there!





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