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Noah’s MORNING Newsletter – 7/19/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Friday morning Newsletter.

Another day moving so fast I have you bring you a MORNING alert just to keep up!

So here we go….

Starting with this fascinating story (and yes, I realize the irony of “Butler”):

FLASHBACK: Donald Trump’s Butler Tells All His Secrets

If you missed the huge Trump Speech last night, just trust me you want to watch it.



Find it here:

Missed Trump’s Iconic RNC Speech? Watch His Full Speech Here

Turn your sound up for this next one:

SOUND UP: “Trump, Trump, Baby!”

So good!

And how many gaffes can you make in 17 seconds?

Just watch:

OOPS! Joe Biden Refers To Lloyd Austin As “The Black Man” And Then Calls Him Ketanji Brown!

New evidence emerging this morning that what Jovan Pulitzer told me in our viral interview from earlier this week was SPOT ON.

Here’s the latest:

BREAKING: Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear Trump& Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People

Next up, I can’t believe I’m hearing this from this robot alien lizard man, but I am:

BREAKING: Mark Zuckerberg Comes Very Close To Endorsing President Trump

And the Microsoft Crowdstrike crash this morning has brought the world to a grinding halt, but that doesn’t seem to be what people want to talk about online.

They all seem to want to talk about this:

As Microsoft Crash HALTS Travel Worldwide, Many Are Flashing Back To Bill Gates’ PORNO Story

Do you remember that?

What do you think is going on there?

And we end with something that I think could help a lot of people.

Is this you?

Emotionally Depleted from Unfolding Historical Events? This Mineral Is A Must

Ok, gotta run.

I’ll see you back here tonight for the FULL report just like normal.

Your friend,



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