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Noah’s MORNING Newsletter – 7/21/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Sunday morning/afternoon Newsletter.

I think this certainly qualifies as a BREAKING NEWS alert….Joe Biden has dropped out of the 2024 Presidential Race!

Just like we told you was likely to happen.  Right on time!  Right on cue.

Take a look:


We cannot confirm or deny if Joe himself actually knows yet or is even awake yet, but the decision has definitely been made.

Joe is gonna be so pissed when he finds out!

I kid, I kid…..

In all seriousness, he claims he will continue to serve out the remainder of his existing term:

Joe Biden Drops Out, Will Remain As President

It’s unclear how he can be unfit to run but still fit to lead the country, and I think you’re going to hear a whole lot more on that soon.

That story is not yet written!

He initially did NOT endorse Kamala Harris, a very glowing omission:

Joe Biden Pulls Out, But DOES NOT Endorse Kamala Harris!

But later DID endorse her in a separate Twitter post:

UPDATE: Joe Biden Endorses Kamala Harris In New Twitter Post

President Trump immediately weighed in:

Trump Reacts To Biden’s Decision To Drop Out Of The Race

So what a mess we have on our hands!

Well, not really “we” but the Democrats sure do!

What happens next?

And which candidate will officially be on the ballot when November rolls around?

I think this is only the first inning of a long list of twists and turns we are about to see, and I listed all my thoughts and predictions about what comes next right here:

Biden Out, Harris Endorsed — Here Are My Thoughts On What Happens Next

Let me know what you think.

Ok, I have to run, there’s a ton more to cover still breaking this afternoon.

I’ll see you back here tonight for the FULL report just like normal.

Your friend,



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But we have a real solution!

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It’s time to FIGHT BACK.

Are you with us?

Do you want in?




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