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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 1/30/23

Hey everyone,
Noah here and it’s one of those days where I have a couple bonus articles…
Because I have more than normal and I can’t bring myself to cut any of these!
So I’m giving you a couple bonus articles and we have to move fast.
Starting with this creep:
Bill Gates SQUIRMS Awkwardly When Asked About His Friend Jeffrey Epstein
Even his ex-wife is alluding to him being a major creep!
Speaking of creepy, I truly don’t think I’ve ever heard anything more filthy and graphic than this….and it was in an English class reading assignment!
WARNING: do not read this if you don’t like the word “cock”. Because that’s probably the cleanest part of this article. It goes downhill from there.
But that’s kind of the point, right?
If I am embarrassed to even publish it and you don’t want to read it, what the hell is it doing in a High School English class?
I assume it was High School, that part isn’t clear from the story…
Might have been Junior High!
Let’s move on to something much more wholesome:
WINNER SELECTED: Did You Just Win Mike Lindell’s Giza Cotton Dream Sheets?
I love doing these and I am so excited for our winner!
Shipping now!
Should I start a new one?
Let me know in the comments.
Next up, the headline to this is not what really caught my eye….it’s what came next:
Big news about the USD Dollar today…
And it’s NOT good:
On a related note, who has been warning you about this for over a year?
My good friend Bo:
Major Dollar Crash Will Wipe Out Many, Here’s What Bo Is Doing
Hate to show you this next one…
Do you know who this was?
This was the Borg Queen for all the Star Trek fans out there:
From Voyager and Picard.
So sad.
I sure hope it wasn’t a vaccine-induced cancer.
So sick of this crap!
And then we have this….what in the world is going on?
How is this normal?
This does not just “happen”….
Jay Leno Suffers ANOTHER Freak Accident, What’s Going On Here?
Two of my favorites up next…
Greg Hunter who runs one of the best interview shows out there and Steve Quayle who can talk with the best of them!
And he just confirmed what I have been telling you for years:
We end with our top story and truly a stunning (and terrible) video.
This guy’s campaign is done before it even started.
When your wife collapses and you’re the FIFTH guy to (reluctantly) help her, you’re toast bud!
Presidential Announcement Interrupted By Collapsing Wife (Candidate Last To Help)
Not that he really had a chance anyway.
Who is he again?
Never heard of her.
Ok, I gotta go.
That’s a wrap!
Oh wait! Before I go, I do have one special announcement….
Stay tuned tomorrow for my special announcement of how you can join my team, working from home, and making REALLY good money.
Yes, this is real.
And yes, it’s limited to only about 10-20 people.
More details coming out tomorrow.
If you’re interested, you’ll want to check in for all the details.
It will go fast and I need good people only!
People who are nice an fun to work with!
Is that you?
Then you might be a fit for my inner circle.
Details will come out tomorrow.
Until then….have a great rest of your evening!
Your friend,
We’ve started a new Twitter account to bring breaking news alerts throughout the day.
Before we can get an article published, we can get a news alert out via Twitter.
I know it’s been a cesspool for the far-left, but I’m banking on Elon getting the deal closed and quickly turning it around.
And we want to be there when he does.
So will you give us a Follow here? 👇
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