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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/13/23




Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Friday night Newsletter.

Wow, another week totally flew by!

We start tonight with something truly bizarre.

I have so enjoyed covering Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes in all her prior interviews….until tonight.

Tonight I felt very uneasy watching her latest video.

I break it all down here:

Let me know what you think….

Am I off-base or what are your thoughts?

And to Dr. Jan, since she will no doubt see this….open invite to come on my show and chat with me!

Let’s hash it out!

You in?

Next we have confirmation of the Fact-Check I told you yesterday:

Our reporting was right once again!

This was my report yesterday:

I am loving this next one….

We need so much more of this kind of stuff.

Americans are hungry for it!

No more HollyWeird garbage, more of this please!

Next we go to Israel:

Three trusted voices.

Do you follow all three of these guys?

They have been some of the most trusted allies of Israel of all national preachers I have seen.

We stand with Israel 100%, but is President Trump trying to tell us something?

Read this:

And someone posted this today which I found VERY interesting.

I thought the format of that post was very strange when I first saw it, but I didn’t make this connection until they highlighted it:

As always, Hidden In Plain Sight?

Does this explain the 6 hour stand-down order?

Oh what a tangled web!

Next up, take a moment to laugh and enjoy this one:

And then we have this….

I’m trying to run a respected, first-class News operation around here…..why won’t AOC let me?

Instead she’s forcing me to cover a “fart” story:

Stay classy Dems!




I see a trend!

Next up, you gotta love this:

Go Mike go!

We’ve got your back my friend!

And we end with our top story…..

I am pleased to announce we’ve crossed the 100,000 person march and we’re making a HUGE impact on this!

Will you consider joining us?

Makes a huge difference!

Ok, before I go I want to ask you one more time to vote in this poll after everything we continue to see about the Israel/Hamas story.

Where do you stand?

I will be publishing the results tomorrow, and the question is not about whether you support Israel.

I’m starting with the assumption we all support Israel.

I’m just asking to what degree?


Our American human treasure?

All of the above?

Or stay out of the War and support in other ways?

NATIONAL POLL: What Do YOU Think The USA Should Do In The Israel War?

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…


Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!

We just crossed over 22,000 followers!  So excited to be connected to all of you!

Growing faster than I can keep up!

So will you give us a Follow here so we can connect?

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