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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/14/23

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Saturday night Newsletter.
I continue to fight through the Fog of War and the Fog of Propaganda…
This is very tricky stuff.
Stay vigilant and use your head:
THIS Is Why I’ve Been Warning You About The Devious Propaganda War…
We continue to be on red-alert for a strike on the mainland:
One of the most dangerous times I can remember in my life.
We are distracted…
Our military depleted….
Oil reserves gone….
Funding all sent overseas….
I fear for our Country, we are ripe for a strike right now.
Pray it doesn’t happen.
Speaking of sending MORE money overseas, I asked what you think we should do in Israel and the results are in:
RESULTS ARE IN: What Do YOU Think The USA Should Do In The Israel War?
Do you agree with that outcome?
President Trump sending Matt Gaetz some praise today:
President Trump: Matt Gaetz May Have Done ‘Tremendous Favor’ For Republican Party
And what I’ve been telling you for months now finally is covered by Forbes:
FORBES: U.S. Dollar ‘Collapse’—Shock $8 Trillion Predicted Fed Inflation To Spark Crypto/Gold Boom
We were correct once again!
I take no pleasure in saying “we were right”…..I take pleasure in knowing our reporting is rock solid and we always lead you to the truth!
It’s a great honor but also a tremendous weight to know that what we do each day is seen by 5+ million people per month and that has consequences.
It’s why we take what we do so seriously.
I will always do my best to bring you the 100% truth and we nailed another one here.
We end tonight with a story I first brought you last night but which continues to perplex.
What is going on here?
Oh, one bonus one before we go….
The root of all evil?
The Bible says it’s the love of money.
And the “love of money” in our world is the Federal Reserve.
So we had to expose it:
I’ve gotta run, time to catch some sleep.
See you tomorrow!
Your friend,
We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…
Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!
We just crossed over 25,000 followers! So excited to be connected to all of you!
Growing faster than I can keep up!
So will you give us a Follow here so we can connect?
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