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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/16/23

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Monday night Newsletter.
Can I share something before we get started?
I have been fighting off something nasty for about 3 weeks now.
I’m tough and I don’t give up easy, so I’m going to beat this nasty thing, but this feels just like 2019/2020 to me before they “announced” COVID.
I’m not sure if you remember, but a bunch of the alternative media was reporting on something nasty coming out of China in late 2019.
YouTube would take the videos down just as fast as they would be created, which told me it was real.
The “alternative media” was on that story at least 3 months before the official narrative came out.
The other thing is people were sick about 3 months before the official narrative came out.
I’m not sure what’s going on right now, but it feels like history is repeating itself.
I’ve talked to so many people who are all having the same experience right now.
It’s about a 3 week long bug and it’s nasty.
Anyway, I’m going to bed early after I send this so I can get my strength back quickly.
I’ve also ordered a new one of these and I’m going to be doing a round of Ivermectin to knock this crap out:
Prepare for the Unexpected: Why Now is the Time to Get Essential Medicines
Wonder drug!
Ok, enough about me….on with the news.
Biggest story is the escalation of war, and it feels like we’ll have troops over there very soon:
Is This The Beginning Of U.S. Military Involvement in Israel? Biden Set To Visit Israel Wednesday
In fact, the “Get Ready” order just came out tonight:
Biden Admin Issues “Be Ready To Deploy” Orders — Ground Troops Imminent?
Ok, now we go to President Trump and I want you to see this and then tell me what you make of it:
HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT: “We Beat Them TWICE, We Beat The Hell Out Of Them The Second Time!”
And earlier today another Judge issued a Gag Order on our President:
It became clear just hours later that President Trump would NOT be muzzled.
I have a feeling he’ll take this all the way to the SCOTUS if he has to.
Check this out:
Trump Defies Gag Order: “I’m Willing To Go To Jail If That’s What It Takes!”
Showdown incoming!
And it’s going to be beautiful to watch!
Speaking of me and getting sleep, here’s a little more insight into my world in case you’re curious:
We learned this today:
So sad, hate to see that.
So tired of all of this.
And speaking of history repeating itself, this is EXACTLY how we got the 2008 crash:
Here we go again!
Rite Aid is going under:
And we end with something that’s not getting nearly the attention it should….
Gold is now labeled by the Bank of International Settlements as a “Risk Free” asset.
How wild is that?
I explain exactly what that means and why it matters — a lot:
Gold Now Classified As A “TIER 1 RISK FREE” Asset — Here’s Why That’s A Big Deal!
Speaking of gold, here’s one more:
FORBES: U.S. Dollar ‘Collapse’—Shock $8 Trillion Predicted Fed Inflation To Spark Crypto/Gold Boom
Folks, we’ve been all over this gold story for the past few months and it’s looking like our reporting has been SPOT ON!
I get more and more confirmation each day.
Sit tight and stay safe!
Your friend,
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