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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/26/22

Hey friends,
Noah here with a great Wednesday night Newsletter!
Got a lot happening today…
Starting with good old Slick Willy:
And I almost can’t believe this is real:
SIMPLE QUESTION: Does the President’s son still co-own a company with China’s government?
This Yuval guy (soiling the good name of Noah) has a very bad eternity coming:
Next up is a very special report for anyone who took the poison vaxx and now regrets it…
I’ve got something 172x more powerful than Vitamin C and you need to hear about this:
Then we have Elon going full Elon-mode:
But is there something deeper at play?
I think so.
This next one I present without comment:
A big update on this story:
2nd Democrat Arrested After Brutal Attack Against Marco Rubio Campaign Canvasser in Florida
Can you believe this?
Stop worshipping Hollywood:
Blatant Illuminati Symbolism In Hollywood’s Newest Black Adam
Love this one:
And we end with Kari-zona:
Kari Lake Dares NFL to Pull 2023 Super Bowl From Arizona If She Secures Border
Man I love her!
She is the (only) heir-apparent to Donald Trump.
It’s true.
Not Eric.
Not Don. Jr.
Not DeSantis.
Kari Lake.
That’s a wrap for tonight folks, I have to run….
Your friend,
Your friend,
Our most popular Trump hat ever was completely SOLD OUT for about 9 months.
It’s finally back in stock, with a limited run.
Claim your spot in line to get one for FREE here if you want one…👇
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