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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/3/23

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Tuesday night Newsletter.
Absolutely HUGE and WILD day!
You’ve probably heard about McCarthy, but let me fill you in on all the details and on what you may have likely missed.
Because there’s a lot going on here behind the scenes….
First is the top story of the day:
“The Office of Speaker of the House Is Hereby Declared VACANT”
He’s gone!
I really wasn’t sure it would happen, but it did!
Big credit to Matt Gaetz who did an incredible job:
I am more and more impressed with him the more I see.
But very disappointed in MTG siding with McCarthy and the Swamp:
And same for Jim Jordan:
The group of trusted people gets smaller and smaller each day.
So sad.
Go pump some weights Jim, you’re finished with MAGA.
Here’s your new “Acting Speaker” for a week:
And while he seems to be firmly part of the Uniparty, he did have a very interesting first official piece of business that I have to applaud:
Acting Speaker McHenry’s First Act: Telling Pelosi To Vacate Her Hideaway!
Now here’s where it gets really interesting….
You might remember we covered this last year, the idea of Donald Trump becoming Speaker an a grand master plan.
We were one of the first to cover it back then and I was one of the first to cover it again today now that the possibility has re-emerged:
It’s a long shot, but then things started to happen quickly….
First we got this:
CONGRESSMAN: “I Nominate Donald J. Trump for Speaker of the House”
And then even Hannity covering it tonight and saying his sources say Trump is interested and open to it:
Oh my!
This would easily be the craziest thing if it actually happens.
Ok, next we have to talk about a story I keep telling you about.
Here’s the latest:
And perhaps even more important, read this:
Then we had this bombshell emerge today:
60 Minutes: President Trump Offered $5 BILLION To “Not Run”?
Say it with me….TRUMP CAN NOT BE BOUGHT!
And we end tonight with something totally different but very interesting:
Your thoughts?
As always, there’s a lot more on the website that I don’t have time to cover here.
Bookmark our homepage:
And you also want to bookmark NoahReport:
Two great sources to watch each day.
That’s it for tonight.
I’ll see you back here tomorrow.
Your friend,
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