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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/30/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Monday night Newsletter.

I want to start with a reminder to follow us over on Rumble.

We’re putting out so many great things over there, I don’t want you to miss it!

Here is my Rumble channel, please make sure we’re connected: Follow Me On Rumble Here

Ok, now we start with this one:

Longtime DeSantis Ally FLIPS: “Trump Has Never Let Us Down”

Another big loss for DeSantis.

Not Presidential.

Sorry bud, you ran a terrible campaign and the nasally voice will simply never be Presidential.

Go be a good Governor in Florida.

Big consumer warning next:

FDA Warns – Eye Drops Sold At CVS, Rite Aid, and Target Could Cause Vision Loss

And if you thought the Gavin Newsom clip from yesterday was strange, you’re not going to believe this.

Almost the EXACT same thing happened 8 years ago:

Gavin Newsom Plowing An Asian Kid Eerily Similar To Boris Johnson 8 Years Earlier…

What in the world?

Next up, this is very graphic and tragic and horrible all around…..

Major warning before you click in:

WARNING: Graphic – Police Investigating Death Of Hockey Player After ‘Freak Accident’

Got a couple updates on Matthew Perry next:

Matthew Perry’s Cause of Death ‘Deferred’ – How Did It Happen?

And here:

Matthew Perry – Chilling 911 Audio Dispatch Released

Another consumer warning next:

Recall Alert: Popular Baby Fruit Pouch Contains Lead

Parents — heads up!

I think this next one might help a lot of people….


Better Than Cable Or Dish, For Only $15.95/month? YES REALLY!

Next is an update I’ve been warning you about…..

Major news out today from BRICS:

DeDollarization Accelerating: BRICS Nations Launch Payment Network — USD Crash Incoming?

You might think this doesn’t affect you, but you’d be very wrong.

USA standard of living is about to tank!

Very scary.

Make sure you have a hedge!

More here:

New BRICS Currency Value: $55 Per One BRIC?

You might also think this doesn’t affect you if you don’t live in Florida, but trust me you need to see this:

EXPOSED: The Reason Insurance Is Out Of Control In Florida?

More great work from Patrick Bet-David!

Gen. Flynn speaking out today:

General Flynn: Members Of Congress Are Compromised Due To “Sleeping With Children”

That’s great General, but why do you seem to just yap?

Do something!

And we end with my good friend Mike Lindell….

Check this out:

Get Energy Like Mike Lindell…Introducing MyCoffee!

Ok, that’s a wrap!

See you tomorrow.

Your friend,



We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…


Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!

We just crossed over 25,000 followers!  So excited to be connected to all of you!

Growing faster than I can keep up!

So will you give us a Follow here so we can connect?



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