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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 10/4/22



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Hey friends,

Noah here with a loaded Tuesday night Newsletter!

Let’s jump right in and move fast…

You gotta love this:

Even with all their evil, this died quickly.

Well done America!

Big update from President Trump and the SCOTUS next:

Do you agree with his request?

I sure do!

Next up is a guy we haven’t covered for a while but one of our old favorites:

Very interesting, and I always take what he says very seriously.

Moving to the other side of spirituality, this continues to be exposed.

Please enjoy another great article from our newest Guest Poster, Concrete Conspiracy:

This next one sounds impossible, but it’s true.

Can you even imagine this happening to your family?

Oh my!

Now let’s talk Joe…

New photos have emerged and I dare you to tell me this is all the same guy:

No way.

Speaking of Joe:

Can’t stick with Joe too much, it’s too depressing.

So to balance you out, you are gonna love this one:

WOW, right?

Skip your morning coffee, just watch this!

And we end with our top story…

Just like I’ve been telling you for 3 months, Elon was ALWAYS going to buy Twitter.

You were just watching a show.

Right again:

This is just the tip of the iceberg…

Expect some MAJOR developments right after he closes.

Truth will be pouring out from all sides!

Wait till you hear all that was done in secret….

Ok that’s a wrap!

Your friend,



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I’ve heard from a lot of people who have made it their new homepage….smart!


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