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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/1/24

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Friday night Newsletter.
Happy Friday everyone!
Another wild day, and it’s not even over yet….so much to show you!
I sent out this Noon Alert earlier, in case you missed it:
And now for everything new since then....
Starting with our lead story:
New Scenario Explains How Biden/Harris Could BLOCK a Trump Landslide Win AFTER The Election
Folks, I don't think that sounds far off at all.
Best to be aware of it and ready for it!
Last night I brought you the stunning news that Tucker Carlson announced he was attacked by a demon in his room at night recently.
Today Alex Jones tells more of that story plus his own demonic attack:
Alex Jones Has Inside Scoop On Tucker Carlson’s DEMON Attack; Opens Up About His Own Story Too!
Did you ever think you'd see a time where the two biggest newsmen are going viral for talking about Jesus and Spiritual Warfare?
Incredible times we are living in.
Then it looks like even Kamala Harris is sick of Mark Cuban:
BREAKING: Reports Claim Mark Cuban Has Been “Fired” By Kamala Harris
Pretty hilarious!
Another great video from my friend Ali....love this guy:
Nasty day for the stock market today and HUGE job losses reported....
We were expecting to get a report that said 100,000 new jobs were created, but it came in at only 12,000!
Not only that, but all of those 12,000 were Government jobs! Private sector has gone negative. And you don't need to have a PhD in economics to know that means Recession is here.
Got Gold?
Got Silver?
As Gold Prices Hit New Record Highs, One 12-Page Guidebook Lays Out The Plain Facts For Investing
The newest "MSM" hoax of the day is claiming President Trump said Liz Cheney should be shot.
Of course he said nothing of the sort.
I explain here:
FACT-CHECK: President Trump Calls For The EXECUTION of Liz Cheney!
I agree with what he said 100% and in fact I've said the same thing myself many times.
He ain't wrong!
Next up, we have to talk about the Freemasons.
Each time I do this I get at least a couple angry emails saying "I will never read your articles again, how dare you! My grandfather was a Freemason and he was a good person!"
You can send those emails if you like, but I won't be reading them.
I have a duty to print the truth and so I have to expose this crap:
Next up, we have yet ANOTHER warning saying "we will catch all the cheating"!
Why do you think they keep giving that warning so much?
Eric Trump: “We have eyes everywhere. These individuals will be prosecuted.”
I'm just going to put this one out there and let you decide what you think:
President Kamala Harris — As Predicted By The Simpsons? In 2000?
Next up, this makes me very sad:
GOODBYE: President Trump Says The MAGA Rallies Will Soon Stop
This is going viral:
And we end with our top story....
Please pray:
WARNING: Extreme Danger For President Trump’s Family and a Suspended Election!
See you back here tomorrow.
Your friend,
We got 500 of these last month and they were very quickly all spoken for...
But I've got more coming!
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