Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/17/23

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Friday night Newsletter.
How are ya?
Happy Friday!
I told you a while back it was going to be crazy heading into the 2024 election and we’re still a year out but things have already started heating up big time!
So I’ve got a couple extra articles in here for you tonight, hope you don’t mind.
Starting with this….
I sent this first article to a friend today and he wrote back with this:
So true, and I wrote back with this:
Here’s what I was referencing — pretty crazy to see the computer do this:
Love to hear what you think!
As always, find out who you’re not allowed to criticize and you’ll find out who runs the world….
Then we have this next one, which I did NOT expect to see today (or ever):
Famous Anti-Trumper and Actor Now Ready To Vote TRUMP In 2024!
Tells you all you need to know.
This is exactly how the RED PILLING will happen and this is why it had to take so long!
More insanity from Target:
Target Doubles Down On Attacking Christianity, Promotes “Gay Pride Strategist” This Holiday Season
Seems like they never learn?
SPOILER ALERT: they don’t really like you! They don’t like me. They don’t like any Conservatives! When someone shows you who they are, believe them!
And this shouldn’t be a problem…..right?
EPA Ban On Insecticide Linked To Nervous System Damage Removed By Federal Appeals Court
Next we have an update on a story I’ve been warning you about:
UPDATE: Bank to Phase Out Cash, Check & Phone Payments in 2024 and Move to Digital-Only Transactions
Closely related:
FORBES: U.S. Dollar ‘Collapse’—Shock $8 Trillion Predicted Fed Inflation To Spark Crypto/Gold Boom
Got Gold?
Got Bitcoin?
Got XRP?
Get your money OUT of the banks folks!
And here comes Gavin Newsom, right on schedule!
First we got this:
‘He Can Have Job I’m Looking For’, Joe Biden Says About Gavin Newsom [WATCH]
Then this:
Gavin Newsom Could Secure Presidential Nomination Without Winning Democrat Primary?
Switching gears a bit, this is fascinating:
Next is an invite to please join me on Tuesday night…..
And you might just go home with $260 in GOLD!
Yes, really.
Details here:
Join Me On Tuesday….And Go Home With a Gold Coin Worth $260?
Have you heard of “Pharmacy Deserts”?
You have now:
As “Pharmacy Deserts” Spread Across The USA, One Way To Protect Your Family From Medicine Shortages
And that would be Deserts as in dry, arid, sandy places….
Not Desserts, as in what THIS lady packs in each day:
But that’s no laughing matter.
What do you think is going on here?
Why does this stuff always happen on the Left?
And we end with something I spent a lot of time writing today from the heart….
It was actually a response to a question I got by email that I thought was worth sharing with all of you and asking for your input:
Love to hear your thoughts!
Your friend,
We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…
Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!
We just crossed over 25,000 followers! So excited to be connected to all of you!
Growing faster than I can keep up!
So will you give us a Follow here so we can connect?
Join the conversation!
Please share your thoughts about this article below. We value your opinions, and would love to see you add to the discussion!