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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/2/22

Hey friends,
Noah here with a powerful Wednesday night Newsletter.
All the news you likely missed…because they tried to hide it from you.
But we bring the real news to the American people.
Starting with this…
How do you know your campaign is TOAST?
When you’re a Dem and CNN turns on you:
Now THAT was fun to watch!
Sticking with Kari Lake for a minute, I freaking loved this:
Kari Lake Wants COVID Commission to Investigate “Criminal Charges”
I may move to Arizona just for the privilege of voting for this wonderful woman!
Midterms are a week away and I bring you this final and powerful word from Tim Sheets:
Please join with us!
And sticking with the prophet/pastor theme, I never thought I’d see this:
Can you say “Heresy”?
Oh my….
Yes, we must preach what the tickling ears want to hear.
Just give them a sugarcoated gospel, devoid of all power and truth.
So sad.
So scary.
No truth at all.
Because just like in 1984, “truth” has become “hate speech”.
It’s amazing how Orwell literally saw our present day to perfection.
Then we have this:
Biden Tells Americans Several Races Will be Called Days After Election (WATCH)
I’m sorry but can anyone tell me if you EVER remember this EVER before in your life?
I don’t.
Multiple days to count votes?
My entire life I remember results the same day…almost always the night of the election.
Other than the “hanging chads” in 2000 and the stolen election of 2020, I don’t remember any other example in my lifetime of “multiple days”.
Do you?
Moving on….
This is very troubling:
Crypto Developer Found Dead Days After Making Claims of CIA and Mossad Pedophile Ring
And gee, I wonder what could have caused this?
Leaked Hospital Email Exposes Stillbirth Explosion Following COVID-19 Jab Rollout
Amazing video to see next…
Good guys (and gals) with guns are ALWAYS the answer:
I always have to laugh at the “No Guns Allowed On Premises” signs.
How stupid can you get?
You think the criminal is going to turn around and go home?
You may be a MORON if you think that!
The only thing you do with those signs is you remove the good guys with guns to fire back and even up the fight.
Sorry, but that’s the truth.
What would have happened here if that heroic woman wasn’t carrying?
And we end with our top story, and my personal favorite:
Don’t you love it when the tables get turned?
Their gatekeeper just got removed and suddenly they have to compete out in the open.
Oh you just gotta love it when truth is set free!
Your friend,
Your friend,
I’m hoping we can get one of these up on every street in America…
Will you help us?
They’re FREE…while they last.
Check avail here…👇
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