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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/22/22



Hey friends,

Noah here with a killer Tuesday night Newsletter!

So excited to hear what you think about all this…

We’ve been hard at work.

We start with Tucker Carlson and I can’t believe he released all of this live on the air on Fox:

Tucker Just Exposed The Pedo-Elite Live On The Air…

Go Tucker!

How soon until he has a “scandal” and has to be taken off air?

Mark it down, I predicted it right here, right now.

Arizona continues to fight back against The Steal and they look to be getting stronger!

JUST IN: Arizona Attorney General Nominee Abe Hamadeh Files First Lawsuit Contesting 2022 Arizona Election

Next up, I couldn’t believe this when I saw it…

How awesome is this?

Elon Musk’s Twitter Moderation Council Is DEAD! “They Broke The Deal”

It’s all out in the open now!

My favorite story of the day because I absolutely love this guy:

EXCLUSIVE: President Trump’s First Tweet Back On Twitter?

How good is that?

Close your eyes and you can’t tell the difference!

He gets every little part perfect!

And gee, I can’t believe this next one…

You mean banning half your audience (the half with money) was NOT a good business strategy?

I’m shocked!

Mark Zuckerberg Set to Resign?


Bye Mark, you will not be missed.

Top story of the day is this next one:

U.S. Supreme Court Rules on Trump Tax Returns

Here we go….

And I saved the best for last.

I absolutely love what these people are doing, and I know you all do too.

I read your emails…

I just found out about these guys a few weeks ago, but many of you already knew and loved them.

For anyone like me who is just catching up, now is the PERFECT time to jump in.

The absolute perfect gift for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles or anyone who wants to have a positive influence in a child’s life and protect them against the Woke BS…

Or I actually had a brilliant idea from a reader today: buy a bundle and donate one book to each elementary school in your area!

How awesome is that?

If you don’t have kids in your life, do that — donate to the elementary schools and give them something POSITIVE to read that will actually help them and educate them and grow them up to be strong and courageous!

I love it!

All the details here:

Hated By CNN: Meet The Tuttle Twins!

Who loves ya baby?

I do!

And I’ve always got your back.

Ok, that’s a wrap for tonight….

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



Your friend,



Our most popular Trump hat ever was completely SOLD OUT for about 9 months.

It’s finally back in stock, with a limited run.

Claim your spot in line to get one for FREE here if you want one…👇



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