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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/3/22

Hey friends,
Noah here with your Thursday night Newsletter!
Hope you are doing great.
Before we get into the news tonight, I have to give you a special announcement….and ask for your help.
A big “thank you” in advance for your assistance…
We are facing EXTREME censorship right now.
Every day recently my inbox is flooded with people saying they aren’t getting this newsletter in their email.
“Why did you stop sending your Newsletter?”
I didn’t.
It’s just being censored.
And most people can’t even find it in Junk/Spam/Promotions folders either.
Just gone — poof!
Kind of like what they do to Republican voter ballots.
But we can fight back here.
I need your help with two things please…
Even if you’ve never had a problem with my email arriving to your inbox, I need your help especially!
Because only the people reading this will ever get this message.
A real chicken & egg problem.
Here’re the first thing I need you to do…
I need you to search your email, especially Junk/Spam/Promotions tabs, and find anything from me (search for: [email protected]).
Every single email you find, even if they’re old, mark them as Not Junk!
Each time you do that, it sends a message to the email companies saying you like my email and want to receive it.
If you do it for every single email of mine you find, and if thousands of you all do it, we should be the Al-Gore-Rhythms and they will be forced to start delivering our emails honestly.
That’s #1.
Please take a moment to do it right now.
#2 – please add my email address ([email protected]) to your address book and whitelist it.
That also helps a lot.
Last, #3 please remember this: if you ever don’t receive my email, you can always find this Newsletter at TruthLion.com.
Right there at the top of the homepage, organized by date.
In fact, I recommend you bookmark it.
Remember, I send a Newsletter every single day (I miss 1-2 days a year, max), so if you don’t get one it means they’re messing with us and we must have printed too much truth that day.
Thanks again, taking 2-3 minutes to help us with this tonight will make a HUGE difference — not just for me, but for all of the people who keep emailing me every day upset that they don’t get to read this.
Now on with the news!
Let’s start with something fun: curious to know who’s your TOP pick for President Trump’s new VP?
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) November 3, 2022
Friendly remind: please also Follow Me on Twitter at @DailyNoahNews.
Now that Twitter is safe again, we’re posting a lot more over there and it’s a great place to connect in case we ever lose you here.
My page: https://twitter.com/DailyNoahNews
Then we have this:
Remember when they said it was all just a lie?
A big tin-foil hat conspiracy?
Remember when people got deleted from social media for saying the truth about the labs?
Well, now here is CBS news admitting it.
Oh how quickly things change!
Of course, they’re still trying to spin it and the spin is total BS, but the story got so far away from them they finally had to admit the biolabs exist.
Truth is bursting out and it can’t be stopped.
Speaking of truth, let’s go to the man who represents literally the anti-truth.
I don’t typically like to give this guy any attention, but this is a real stunner:
Big thanks to a reader today for suggesting I needed to go back and check out Dana Coverstone’s “three prophetic dreams” message.
And you know what?
He was 100% right.
Here’s why:
Revisiting Pastor Dana Coverstone’s “Three Prophetic Dreams” — Trump Suddenly Missing?
Great to see our POTUS finally fighting back.
Loved this:
President Trump Fires Back! Files Lawsuit Against Corrupt Democrat
And on a similar topic, you are going to absolutely LOVE this next one.
I’ve watched at least 10 times.
Next up is a guest post from our friend Concrete Conspiracy, who continues to do great work.
You may have seen some of this before, but I bet not all of it.
Our mission continues to be to shine the light on evil wherever we find it and set the truth free, and Concrete Conspiracy did an awesome job with that here:
And we end with our top story:
One bonus before I go…I almost forgot….
Details in the PS below.
Always good stuff down there.
Your friend,
Your friend,
Will you join us in our new mission?
How about if it was FREE?
Details here…👇
JOIN THE MISSION: Help Us Get One Of These On Every Street In America!
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