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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/3/24

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Sunday night Newsletter.
Only TWO days away from the Election…wow!
And that’s where we start with our lead story tonight.
Because the polls are all over the place and quite frankly I don’t trust them.
But I do trust this:
MUST SEE: Kamala Harris’ Own Twitter Account REVEALS a Trump Landslide Win Is Incoming!
I am also fascinated by what the Trump Team is doing….
And they’re acting like they’ve already won:
BOMBSHELL: RFK Jr. Confirms The Trump Transition Team Has Already Started!
In fact, President Trump predicted a week ago that the polls would suddenly shift against him right before the Election….
Funny how he knew that:
Then we go to Barron Trump, and we have new footage of this kid absolutely TOWERING over grown men:
Did we get a Bad Omen today for Kamala?
Gotta admit, this is not good:
But through everything, the one thing that I can’t quite get over is how absolutely calm and confident President Trump (and Elon Musk) look:
President Trump Looks Extremely Calm and Confident — Here’s Why
Now let’s turn to some prophetic words…
First from Hank Kunneman:
And then from Charlie Shamp:
Last night we had Kamala Harris on SNL, and yeah it was super lame….
Even copied President Trump from years ago almost verbatim:
NBC Secretly Allows Kamala to Host SNL Last Minute, FCC VIOLATION of Equal Time Rule?
How lame can you get?
BUT….this one actually was super funny:
Then we have an update on Derek Johnson because I know every single day we have brand new people here:
Next up, take advantage of this while you can:
How to Get the Prescription McCullough Protocol Before the Government Bans It
Will Trump win even some Deep Blue states?
I think so….and so does he:
Trump During Rally: “A Little Birdie Told Me We’re Leading In New Jersey”
And we end with this….
I think most polls right now are garbage and nothing more than propaganda.
But this one has historically been the most reliable:
2020’s Most Accurate Poll Now Shows Last-Minute Swing State Surge For President Trump!
Ok, that’s a wrap for tonight.
Thank you so much for being here with us, it truly is my great honor to get to bring you the news each day!
I will never take that for granted and please know that we’re all making a big impact together.
Your friend,
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