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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/6/22

Hey friends,
Noah here with your Sunday night Newsletter.
It’s been a battle every single day but I think we are starting to see some victories agains the censorship.
If this is the first time you’ve seen my Newsletter in a while, will you please let me know?
I need to know who we are reaching.
Also, please remember to bookmark TruthLion.com so you can always find my Newsletter even if you don’t get the email.
Every Newsletter is posted there right on the homepage, newest on top.
I recommend you bookmark it and check in every day.
Ok, now as we approach Midterms (if they actually happen), I want every single American to see this before the vote:
Will you help me by giving that a #RT on Twitter or posting it anywhere else you want?
Let’s get it trending.
That alone should be enough to have a Red Wave all across America!
QUOTE: “It’s the economy, stupid!”
Speaking of stupid, let’s go to him first:
WATCH: Biden Snaps and Seems Very Irritated That Someone Fainted At His “Rally”
So much anger with this guy…
I’ve heard that’s a sign of the dementia.
This is elder abuse.
Now….in contrast, please watch what someone who LOVES America and LOVES Americans looks like:
Pretty stunning contrast, right?
Next is an urgent alert….only hours left on this.
In fact, if you read this tomorrow you may be too late to grab the 90% off, but I can only do so much!
Go here:
LAST CALL: MyPillow’s Overstock Clearance Sale — Up to 90% Off!
Next we have an urgent alert from Timothy Dixon as we approach the Midterms.
Watch here:
Timothy Dixon: Urgent Prophetic Word: The Harvest, Judgment On The Way!
And was Alex Jones right all along?
Seriously folks, this is from 2002 and he nailed almost EVERYTHING happening right now.
This is worth watching and sharing:
Is that why they had to cancel him?
Even got the planned-demic right!
Next is a big warning…
I hope it’s not true and I hope nothing happens but it’s my job to alert you that this is a major risk right now over the next 48 hours.
Here’s what you should do to stay safe:
And we end with our top story…
New teaching from Jonathan Cahn:
FULL TEACHING: Jonathan Cahn EXPOSES The Return of the “Gods”
That’s a wrap.
Please stay with us this week, I think it’s going to be massive.
A few reminders on the best ways to stay connected…
First is by Twitter here:
Next is at NoahReport:
And last is by bookmarking TruthLion.com for this Newsletter each and every day:
Bookmark all 3 and visit each day and you’ll be all set!
Plus this email.
Let’s stay connected and stay strong!
Big things coming, not all good…but we will get through them together!
Your friend,
Your friend,
Will you join us in our new mission?
How about if it was FREE?
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JOIN THE MISSION: Help Us Get One Of These On Every Street In America!
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