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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 11/7/23

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Tuesday night Newsletter.
We start with a truly strange one….I hate to see this for all the Conheads out there:
And for those who don’t know that reference, it’s about Succession — my favorite TV show of all time.
But this event is very real.
What do you think happened here?
I know what happened in this next one….Fake News gonna Fake the News:
NBC Changes Headline After Jewish Man Is Killed During Altercation With Pro-Palestinian Protestor
Sorry they did it or sorry they got caught?
It’s almost like the MSM has a toxic aversion to telling the truth….like Garlic to Vampires!
Sickening the way they report things, but then again that’s why you have us and that’s why 5+ million people each month trust us to bring the REAL news uncensored!
We don’t do garbage headlines like that.
Speaking of garbage, looks like Joe Biden is weaponizing yet ANOTHER branch of the Federal Government:
Biden IRS Targets Conservative Non-Profit, 2013 All Over Again?
And as we head into cold and flu season, it seemed like a really good idea to remind you to grab some of this:
Those tend to run out, so grab some while they are in stock.
Great news to share next for our President:
Bo Polny was back on my show today….
Trust me, you don’t want to miss this:
This next one is truly stunning….
A few weeks ago, I asked the question no one else was asking: are all these payments to Ukraine LOANS or GIFTS?
Have you ever thought about it?
Makes a huge difference.
When we fought the Revolutionary War and War of 1812 and other wars throughout history, we borrowed money from other countries in order to finance our fighting of those wars.
It’s one of the major reasons we have such a large national debt today.
But what happens when Ukraine needs money?
Apparently….we just GIFTED them billions!
Every single politician who did this should be removed from office and charged with TREASON.
Point blank, no other way around it.
Do you agree?
And we end with our top story….
This is beyond weird.
How perverted is this?
And THIS is the guy who thinks he can sit in judgment over President Trump?
Give me a break!
He needs to be disbarred!
That’s all for tonight.
Your friend,
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Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!
We just crossed over 25,000 followers! So excited to be connected to all of you!
Growing faster than I can keep up!
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