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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 12/1/23

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Friday night Newsletter.
Wow, where did that week go?
Blew by super fast, I hope yours was good and now we’re looking forward to a great weekend!
Ok, we start off tonight with this one:
Then we go to two very troubling Dick Durbin stories….
Sen. Dick Durbin Refuses To Follow Protocol, Denies Republican Senators The Right To Speak!
Sen. Dick Durbin BLOCKS Subpoena To Uncover Epstein’s Flight Logs — WHY?
Do you think his name is on those flight logs?
Next up is also very troubling and if you don’t understand exactly why then you need to read this and I’ll explain it to you:
Buckle up folks!
This surprised a lot of people today:
John Fetterman Stuns “The View” By Saying He Wants To Expel Democrat From Senate!
Birds of a feather no longer flocking together?
This next one is extremely graphic and comes with the most extreme warning I can give you:
EXTREME WARNING: Man Accidentally Shot In Heat In Facebook Livestream
Then we have this:
After Many Rumors, President Trump Confirms His Plans For The Fourth GOP Debate
Can I just ask why in the world we even have FOUR of these abominations?
I can only ever remember three debates max, how about you?
Then I have something I think a lot of you are going to love….
Today is already December 1st, and that means not much time at all left before Christmas.
So to any parents or grandparents who are looking for a great gift (and a way to support Mike Lindell in the process), I can hook you up with a great discount on these:
How perfect is that?
And we end with our top story:
Before I go, let me end with this….
Earlier this week I opened up an opportunity for people reading this Newsletter to get one of 500 of these hats that I’m going to give away for free.
How awesome is this?
100% free, you just cover the S&H and it’s yours.
Well, we hit our max, but if you’d still like to get on the list I’m taking some “backups” if you will.
If you’d like one: RESERVE YOUR HAT HERE
Only rule is first-come, first-served and no complaining if you don’t get in.
See ya tomorrow!
Your friend,
Is this your life?
Look familiar?
Time to change!
The owner of THIS company just set a world record for rowing while in his 70s because of his awesome vitamins!!
That’s why I’m on this Mission and pushing this Movement forward!
Life….and life to the full!
I love our Movement because we are definitely in this thing together!
Let’s “BUDLIGHT” every Deep State company we possibly can!
https://SwitchWithNoah.com if you want in!
Watch here:
Want in?
It’s INVITE ONLY, jump on the list here https://t.co/0HBTcCFOyQ pic.twitter.com/dZgC1MTMgO
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) December 5, 2023
Sun’s out, gun’s out!
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