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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 12/19/21



Hi friends!

Noah here and I hope you’re doing great!

Happy Sunday.

Ummm, are you ready for Christmas?  It is THIS week!  I’m so excited.

Also pumped to show you the news from today, because we have some big stuff.

Starting with this:

Triple Vaxxed Senators Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker Test Positive For Covid

You have to wonder if getting the ‘vid after being triple vaxxed will eventually wake up even some of the farthest of the far-left?


We will see.

And then we have this gem:

SAVED: Q and The Plan To Save The World

I saved that from the YouTube purge and it’s more powerful now than ever!

Speaking of powerful, this man is a total hero:

Italian Archbishop Vigano: “A Global Coup Has Been Carried Out All Over The World”

Speaking out against all the corruption, even against the Pope himself!

And speaking of heroes, you have to hand it to Joe Manchin…this is huge:

Joe Manchin Effectively Ends Biden’s Build Back Better Plan, Libs Furious


And as I like to do each Sunday, please enjoy this great and timely Gospel message from our friend Pastor Robb:

Sunday Message: We Are His Dwelling Place

And sadly, I warned you months ago this was coming:

Will New York Become America’s First ‘Fascist State?’ State Legislature to Debate Quarantine Camp Bill January 5th

Can you even believe this is happening in America?


And how about this:

Report States CDC Overcounted the Number of COVID-19 Inoculated Americans by MILLIONS

Just an honest mistake I’m sure [sarcasm alert]!

Or an “error” that helped fuel their propaganda for two years?

Yeah, that’s more like it….

And sorry Masons, you aren’t going to like this one but I have a mission to tell the truth every where I find it:

TRUTH REVEALED: Ex-Freemason Exposes Satanic Secrets Of International Masons Cult

And no, just because your Grandpa was in the Masons and never saw anything bad doesn’t mean it’s a good organization.

It just means he was a Level 1 or 2 Mason and didn’t know any better.

Then we have a true favorite:

Favorite From DISME: Still My President!

Don’t ya love it?

And friendly reminder, I’m not sure how much longer these will be on such a large sale:

Mike Lindell’s Biggest Sale of the Year?

Thank you for always supporting Mike!

And we end with our top story in case you missed it last night:

Trump Motorcade In Houston Draws Questions: POTUS?

That’s a wrap!

Your friend,



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