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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 12/19/22



Hey friends,

Noah here with another big Newsletter!

I got so many positive emails from last night’s Newsletter, and I’m so glad you loved it!

Tonight should be just as good.

Starting with something that you should not dismiss outright….

Here’s why:

Elon Musk….Or A Mask?

And is Mike Pence getting desperate?

Trying to curry favor?

Mike Pence Desperate…Trying To Appeal To Trump?

Sorry Mike, too little, too late!

Then we have Kari Lake, who told us today her lawsuit is moving forward!

Amazing news!

Kari Lake Scorches the Media in Speech: “My Pronouns are I/Won”

Big news next:

CNN Reporter Dead At Age 60

My personal favorite of the day….

Just like we told you from Day One:

Now CONFIRMED: The MSM Is Panicking About The Brunson Bros Supreme Court Case!

Here’s more from Loy Brunson:

Loy Brunson EXPLAINS His Historic Supreme Court Case!

The truth is coming out and it can’t be stopped:

Leaked Maricopa County Email Reveals Stunning Ballot Disparity

And we end with something helpful and uplifting….

Is this you?

SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: What Can You Do If You Took The Poison Vaxx And Now Regret It?

Actually, one bonus for you before you go…

You (and your kids) need this:

Hated By CNN: Meet The Tuttle Twins!

That’s a wrap!

Your friend,



Your friend,



Our most popular Trump hat ever was completely SOLD OUT for about 9 months.

It’s finally back in stock, with a limited run.

Claim your spot in line to get one for FREE here if you want one…👇



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