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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 12/2/23

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Saturday night Newsletter!
President Trump was in Iowa today and I was flooded with incredible quotes that came from those speeches (one in Ankeny and one in Cedar Rapids.
By the way, if you missed them, make sure you Follow Me on Rumble and watch here: https://rumble.com/v3z9011-president-trump-live-in-iowa-12223-ankeny-and-cedar-rapids.html
Ok, now let’s start here with our first story:
President Trump: “One Year Is A Very Long Time, It’s Not Acceptable”
And almost on cue, we had Col. Douglas Macgregor saying this right afterwards:
Col. Douglas Macgregor: “I do not think we’ll get to the 2024 election”
Then we go to this stunner:
And then this one:
And then my personal favorite:
President Trump: “We Know The Results of the 2020 Election!”
Ok, here’s one more that brings it all together for good measure:
Now back to Col. Macgregor for a minute:
Col. Douglas Macgregor: “Treasury market to collapse…protect your assets now!”
Next up, this is very troubling:
FBI Raids Home Of Christian Family Over 15-Year-Old Son’s Posts In Private Group Chat
Special recommendation that you might want to grab one of these before they are sold out:
I can’t quite figure out this next one…
Isn’t this FOLLOWING the law?
Christian Trucking Company Fined $700k For Refusing To Hire Illegal Immigrants
And I absolutely got a huge laugh out of this today….
HILARIOUS: Elon Musk Goes On “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire”!
We end tonight with our top story:
Olympic Gold Medal Swimmer Sentenced For Appearance In Capitol On Jan. 6
Ok, that’s a wrap.
I’ll see you back here tomorrow.
Your friend,
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