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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 12/24/22

Hey friends,
Merry Christmas….Eve!
I don’t know about you, but Christmas Eve always felt more like “Christmas” than even Christmas Day did.
Something very special about Christmas Eve.
I know many of you will read this in the morning and I have to move fast, but too much to show you and I didn’t want to skip a day.
First, I thought everyone should know who just got our $45 billion….
This guy:
Speaking of WEF globalists, Elon Musk today addressed the allegation that he was a Mother WEFer:
Thanks to a reader, I have some inside information to share with you in this next one.
Grid down incoming?
Is your family safe and are you prepared?
Could you live for one week with the grid down?
Is Ted Cruz the Zodiac Killer?
Even Gov. Abbott tweeted about it today.
Yes, really:
And then we have this…
Our Congress is completely compromised, but here’s how you act when you’re not already bought and paid for:
Slovakian Congress Gets It: Look What They Did To The Ukraine Flag!
Bravo Slavos!
Wonderful story to share with you next on this Christmas Eve:
Gotta love that.
Next up, please stay warm out there and do it in cozy style!
I’ve got you 70% off for a very limited time only:
And right after we send $45 billion to Ukraine, we now don’t have enough to pay our own troops.
Can you believe this?
I keep saying…THIS IS TREASON:
National Guard Paychecks Delayed After $45 Billion Granted to Ukraine
We end with a red alert for parents…
This is very scary:
URGENT! PARENTS MUST WATCH! Is Big Pharma Putting mRNA Into Traditional Childhood Shots?
Not on my watch!
Merry Christmas!
Your friend,
Our most popular Trump hat ever was completely SOLD OUT for about 9 months.
It’s finally back in stock, with a limited run.
Claim your spot in line to get one for FREE here if you want one…👇
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