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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 12/31/24

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Tuesday night Newsletter!
I can officially say it: Happy New Year my friends!
Wow, I have no idea where that year went, but it’s GONE!
And the good news is that I am confident 2025 is going to be better. MUCH better!
I think it could start off very rough in the first 1-3 months and we will have to persevere, but by the time we’re doing my 12/31/25 Newsletter, I think we’re all going to be extremely happy!
I can’t wait.
For now though, let’s wrap up 2024 with a bang, starting with our lead story:
WARNING: If You Want To Fly In 2025, You’ll Need a “Real ID”
Ok I get it:
No ID needed for illegals coming in….
No ID needed to vote….
Illegals get flown to their destinations free of charge.
But if YOU or ME want to fly as a valid US citizen paying taxes out our wazoo, we have to show ID and not just any ID, a special “Federal ID”, and then we get herded like cattle through long lines and either scanned with cancer rays or groped by TSA before we can have the PLEASURE of flying!
Did I get that about correct?
Moving on…..
Steve Bannon Has Some Blunt Advice For Elon Musk And MAGA’s Other ‘Recent Converts’
I’ve commented on this earlier in the week, and I believe there are very good points to be made on both sides and while I usually really dislike when people say “we’re saying the same thing” (because we’re almost never saying the same thing, people just have a deep desire to avoid conflict) I do believe this is one of the rare instances where both sides truly are not that far apart and in many cases want the same thing.
Next up, something tells me we haven’t heard the end of this….what was going on here?
What leads to this?
Georgia Judge Found Dead in Courtroom After Apparent Suicide
You can’t tell me he blew his brains out because he lost an election?
I think there’s something else here and perhaps we will find out what it is soon.
Then we have this:
Accused 9/11 Plotters Avoid Death Penalty, Stirs Up Controversy
Makes me sick.
And did you notice how they always push this stuff through when they think you won’t notice?
Really? On New Years Eve?
Then we have this:
Tragic all around.
Speaking of tragic, today we learned the identity of the woman roasted alive on the NYC Subway.
She deserves to be remembered:
Police Identify Woman Burned To Death In New York City Subway Car
Next up, I think you’ll start seeing this happen a lot more soon….
For the same reason:
Ex-Democratic Lawmaker Recalls ‘Non-Negotiable’ Issue That Pushed Her To Join GOP
What do you make of this?
I always thought Letterman was hilarious and far superior to Jay Leno, but he’s made some strange choices in retirement.
I think at his core he’s just unhappy as a person:
‘Everything Fell Apart’: David Letterman Opens Up About What Convinced Him To Leave Hollywood
So sad.
Tom Homan is going to be fantastic, and he just proved it once again:
Leftist Lawmaker Tries To Belittle Tom Homan, But He Was Prepared With The Perfect Response
This is intersting:
And why are all the rats suddenly kissing up to DJT?
Wait, asked and answered:
DC Mayor Changes Her Tune, Touts ‘Great Meeting’ With President Trump
Not gonna work, we know how all the rats are no matter how much butt you try to kiss.
This is super smart:
President Trump’s Chief Of Staff Sends Memo Ordering Immediate Freeze!
And we end with our top story….
On New Year’s Eve, I want to celebrate this way:
How beautiful!
I absolutely love it.
And I would never be dorky enough to say “see you next year” so…..”see you tomorrow” and let’s kick some butt in 2025!
It’s a true honor to serve you all by bringing you this Newsletter each night and sometimes over the Noon hour as well.
We now have over 5+ million monthly readers of our news reporting and growing, which I mention only to say it’s an honor and humbling to have such an incredible community bonded together over seeking the truth with no spin, no censorship and no bias. Just truth!
Thank you for being here, thank you for trusting us to report the news honestly and fairly, and thank you for supporting America!
Alone we can do nothing, but together we are making a huge difference.
Let’s do it even bigger next year!
Your friend,
This is kind of awkward but……Are you constantly waking up in the middle of the night to pee?
Do you feel like your bladder has totally taken control of your life?
If so, your doctor may have suggested you take a prostate treatment… But you need to be careful, because a study out of Harvard University says the most popular prostate health “solutions” can practically destroy libido and even cause erectile dysfunction.
>> Harvard Report: NEVER Take This If Your Prostate Is Enlarged (Ruins Sexual Health)
Prostate issues normally start when the gland produces too much dihydrotestosterone… better known as DHT.
And much DHT can result in something called benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH…
This basically means your prostate has become enlarged and is blocking the flow of urine to your bladder.
It’s a frustrating issue for millions of men in America, because not only does it wake you up in the dead of night…
It practically takes over your entire life, because you constantly have to think about how far away you are from a bathroom if the urge to go suddenly strikes…
You stop going to social events because you worry people will notice how often you excuse yourself to urinate.
Perhaps you’ve looked for supplements or medications for help, only to find none of them offer real, lasting success.
And worst of all, many of those products contain finasteride, a highly popular anti-testosterone drug prescribed to men with BHP…
Which Harvard found has been linked to erectile dysfunction and to diminished libido in men who use it.
My advice is to steer clear of these products from Big Pharma as much as possible.
Instead, you should see what this world-renowned longevity expert and NASA scientist has to say about prostate health…
Because Dr. Sam Walters has discovered a simple “morning trick” that shrinks the prostate, gets your bladder back under your control… and best of all…
Actually optimizes your sexual health!
This is something that no one has thought of yet, and it’s already exploded in popularity since Dr. Sam first made it available.
If you’re ready to recapture your freedom, your masculinity and your peace of mind, you need to see this free, short presentation…
[WATCH] NASA Dr.’s Secret To Better Prostate Health (With ZERO Devastating Side-Effects) <<<
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