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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 12/8/22



Hey friends,

Noah here and wow what a day did we have!

I’ve got a ton in here tonight, so we’ll try to get through it all quickly.

Starting with my personal favorite….this is the absolute best interview I’ve ever done with Bo Polny, and that’s a tall list.

And I’m so excited for you to hear it:

Hands Down, The Best Bo Polny Interview Ever!

Next we have two big ones:

Recount Flips Dem Seat To Republican!


NYC Councilman Ditches Democrats, Switches to GOP

This next one is hard to watch so it comes with a warning.

Viewer beware:

NBA Announcer Collapses and Convulses Live on Air (VIDEO)

Almost certainly triple vaxxed.

So sad.

Then we have exclusive footage to show you of how we got an American-hater back.


Excuse my lack of enthusiasm, but here was the moment:

WATCH: Exclusive Footage of Prisoner Swap With Russia

HUGE update next on the Anne Heche crash and death.

It looks like our reporting was spot on from the very beginning:

Huge Update On Anne Heche’s Deadly Crash

Sad news to report next for Celine:

Celine Dion Diagnosed With Stiff Person Syndrome

Also almost certainly triple vaxxed, and this is listed as a known side effect.

Oh the misery these people have caused….

Which leads me to this:

SPECIAL REPORT! What Can You Do If You Took The Poison Vaxx And Now Regret It?

And we end, actually, with two Glenn Beck articles.

That doesn’t happen often!

But these are both really great.

The first is simply hilarious:

“Hang on, our Themis has just gone off….”

And the second is very serious:

WILD Prophetic Dream…From Glenn Beck

I would love to hear your thoughts on both.

Told ya it was a big day!

And actually, before I go I saved something big for last…

I absolutely love what these people are doing, and I know you all do too.

I read your emails…

I just found out about these guys a few weeks ago, but many of you already knew and loved them.

For anyone like me who is just catching up, now is the PERFECT time to jump in.

The absolute perfect gift for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles or anyone who wants to have a positive influence in a child’s life and protect them against the Woke BS…

Or I actually had a brilliant idea from a reader today: buy a bundle and donate one book to each elementary school in your area!

How awesome is that?

If you don’t have kids in your life, do that — donate to the elementary schools and give them something POSITIVE to read that will actually help them and educate them and grow them up to be strong and courageous!

I love it!

All the details here:

Hated By CNN: Meet The Tuttle Twins!

Who loves ya baby?

I do!

And I’ve always got your back.

Ok, that’s a wrap for tonight….

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



Your friend,



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