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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 3/7/22



Hey everybody!

Noah here with your Monday Night Newsletter!

Another big day, let’s jump right in…excited to show you all we have tonight.

Starting with this guy:

Proof Zelensky Is “New World Order”

Please read that and then let me know your thoughts.

Are you awake yet?

Not “woke” but “awake”?

Red pilled.

Do you see it yet?

They are lying to you!

Here’s more:

500 More U.S. Troops Sent To Europe

Next we have something truly unique and truly bizarre.

Not the type of story I normally bring you but you just have to see this:

EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE: Amazon Worker Trapped In “Robot Walls”!

Next is my man, CaptainDeplorable, with another gem.

This guy is so awesome…


“President Trump”: The Gas Is Too Damn High!

Thanks to a reader for sending me this next one.

Here is Robin Bullock explaining the prophetic significance of the Convoy:

Robin Bullock Explains The Prophetic Significance Of the Convoy

Now we move to Pfizer…

Starting here:

Here Is The FULL List of Vaccine Side Effects (“Adverse Events”)

And my personal favorite:

BREAKING: Pfizer Could Lose Liability Protection and Be Sued if the Deaths Are Proven as Willful

Would you like to see that happen?

Me too!


Why do they have immunity anyway?


Next is a true head-scratcher:

Coward Or A Traitor? Bill Barr Explains How And Why He Will Vote Trump In 2024

Bill Barr: white hat, black hat, or just coward?  Loser?  Spineless?

No matter what your answer, I suspect history will not reflect kindly on Bill Barr.

We continue to investigate this story:

Russia Publishes Documents Which Show Ukraine Was Working on Biological Weapons Near Russian Borders; FACT or DISINFORMATION?

And we end with our top story of the week.

Major developments from our friend and patriot Mike Lindell:

That’s a wrap!

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



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