Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Friday night Newsletter.
Hope everyone is doing great!
Huge day in the news today, and we start with something extremely graphic and horrific.
You have been warned….click into this one at your own risk.
This happened this afternoon right outside the Trump Trial:
HORRIFIC: Another Man Sets Himself On Fire Outside Trump Trial, Publishes Manifesto
Why does this keep happening?
My whole life I never heard of this, now two people have lit themselves on fire recently?
What level of mental illness must you be fighting to do this? I can't even imagine, so horrible.
Extreme warning on this next one too....reports and video claim he was still moving while he was being wheeled into an Ambulance:
EXTREMELY GRAPHIC: Video Released Showing Fully Burned Body Wheeled Onto Ambulance
I can only hope for his sake he was already dead.
Ok, moving on.
Heads up on this for anyone who shops at Trade Joes:
RECALL ALERT: Trader Joe’s Recalls Popular Herb Due To Salmonella Outbreak, Here Are The States Affected
And we keep learning more about the incredible benefits of Ivermectin.
No wonder they hated this drug so much!
You have to see this:
6 Incredible Secrets of Ivermectin: The Medication That Keeps on Giving
Next is a statement from our Commander in Chief:
President Trump Issues NEW Statements Ahead Of HISTORIC SCOTUS Case
And from Trump move next to the (r)esident.
I'm not pushing any conspiracy theories, but this is uncanny:
You Really Telling Me This Guy Isn’t Playing Joe Biden?
Your thoughts?
I found this next one fascinating....
Pastor Jack Hibbs revealed today what they told him he could NOT say in his prayer to Congress.
He didn't listen:
Pastor Reveals Why He Ripped Up His Prayer Right Before Congressional Invocation
This next one is not getting nearly enough attention.
Good thing we're on it:
Matt Gaetz: Biden Admin Involved In Massive Cover-Up In Niger
Then we had a bunch of big stories break loose last night right after I had sent last night's Newsletter.
Let's start here:
JUST IN: Bill Barr Endorses Trump!
Look, I'm not saying I trust or even like him....
I'm just saying it's clear he doesn't like Trump and even he still knows Trump is the only one who can save America.
Let that sink in!
Then we had this surprise retaliation last night:
BREAKING: Israel Launches Retaliatory Strike Against Iran
As usual, our reporting is spot on and warned you in advance....
I published this next report over a week ago!
“Gold Is Trading Like World War 3 Is Guaranteed!”
We were right again, warned you in advance.
Got Gold?
You're going to want some REAL soon.
Don't wait until it's too late.
The only two gold companies I am proud to partner with can be found right here:
The ONLY Two Gold Companies I Am Proud To Partner With
And then we end with this beauty....
Our top story:
Sidney Powell Completely Vindicated
When all the dust settles, that will be how all of this unfolds.
Trump and all those who supported him will be completely vindicated.
This was so great to see!
Ok, that's a wrap for tonight.
Will you be joining me tomorrow? Details below....
Your friend,
Conservatives are realizing just how powerful we can be if we stick together and let our voices be heard.
Great idea, right?
If we want to take back our freedoms and end the Woke Mind Virus, we must take a stand and make permanent changes.
Simply changing stores doesn’t solve our problem as almost all are controlled and the products they sell are just as bad.
Over 90% of the products on store shelves are controlled by the same globalist hedge funds as the big box stores.
As always, I bring you an actual solution from my friends at Patriot Switch.
We have partnered with an American made, family and patriot owned manufacturer that supplies us with our everyday essentials and actually cares about its customers and freedom in this country.
I'm doing two special online gatherings to give you all the details, I hope one will work for you, both are totally FREE!
Join me this coming Tuesday at 8:30pm Eastern, 7:30pm Central here: JOIN ON TUESDAY
Or join me this coming Saturday at 12:00 noon Eastern, 11:00am Central here: JOIN ON SATURDAY
If neither of those work for you, or if you'd prefer a personal phone call, I have a team of Concierge Patriots helping me with this Mission and one of them would be happy to call you 1-on-1
If you'd prefer a personal call, just add your info here and one of my Concierge Patriots will call you: Yes, Please Have Someone Call Me

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