Hey everybody!
How are you?
Noah here with your weekend (Saturday) edition of the Newsletter.
And in case you missed it, we start with President Trump’s electric rally in Michigan:
LIVE: Trump Rally Michigan
And then we have this…
I love showing you prophecies fulfilled and this is a big one from Robin Bullock:
Robin Bullock: Madison Cawthorn Prophecy Fulfilled!
Speaking of prophecies and prophetic timelines, here is the latest from Bo Polny.
Trust me, you do NOT want to miss this:
Bo Polny Returns! The Final Trimester Ends, God Wins! [Bitcoin Critical Moment]
And do you remember when Biden’s “Fake White House” set was a conspiracy theory?
Well, just like all my other conspiracy theories, this one came true.
So instead of “rumors” we have to file this under “TRUEmors”!
I need to get some new conspiracy theories because all of mine keep coming true!
Check out this amazing walkthrough of Biden’s fake White House set:
WATCH: A Glimpse Into Biden’s Fake White House Set
And of course the big question is why would you need to FAKE the White House if you’re actually in it?
I know, I know….because something about how he needed to read off cue cards or something.
Yeah, I’m not buying that BS story, how about you?
That’s not even a good cover story.
And speaking of Biden, what an absolute embarrassment:
WATCH: Is Biden Falling Asleep While Standing Up At The USS Delaware Ceremony?
Heads up, if you’re worried about food prices (who isn’t??) you need to see this:
USDA Says Food Prices Will Go Up 5% In 2022 – But Shoppers Say They’re Up 20%, 25%, And 100% Already!
I loved this today from Mike Lindell.
What an amazing and fearless patriot:
Watch Mike Lindell’s Interview At Trump’s Rally In Michigan
Next is something really troubling…
Have you heard of “Deep Fakes”?
Well, they’re real and here’s what’s really troubling about them….when the Deep State gets caught with video evidence on Hunter Biden’s laptop, do you know what they’re going to claim?
They’re going to claim it’s fake.
Here’s why:
Which Obama Is Real? Bet You Can’t Tell From This Video…
And we end with our top story…
The possible (soon) legalization — federally — of the marijuana.
I’m curious where you stand…do you support legalizing the hippie lettuce?
You ok with everyone smoking the ganja?
It looks like it’s coming soon:
House of Representatives Pass Bill To Federally Decriminalize Marijuana
Love to hear your thoughts if you support it or not.
Write me back!
Your friend,
Officially my favorite Trump hat ever, how about you?

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