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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/17/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Friday night Newsletter.

We start with HUGE news:

JUST IN: President Trump Announces Rally In NYC!

I'm telling you right now, Trump is gonna win New York this year, and that's going to be historic!

A Rally in the Bronx!

I am actually considering going, that sounds like it will be an incredible event!

I think the love shown at that Rally is gonna be off the charts!

Next up, this moment was also incredible:

Donald And Melania Trump Beam With Pride As Barron Graduates High School

Then we have a story that is really despicable....

I used to think Ann Coulter had some good points, but recently she's become hard to listen to.

And this is indefensible:

Ann Coulter: Can’t Vote For Vivek, He’s Too Brown!

Next up, we move to some great support showing up for President Trump.

First is Jim Jordan:

Jim Jordan: The Cases Against TRUMP Are ‘Falling Apart’

And then there's this:

WATCH: President Trump Gets Congressional Reinforcements In Court Battle!

Heads up about "Disease X" know, the one they will be launching on us soon:

The Silver Bullet for Defending Your Health in The Next Crisis? Over 50,000 Already Sold

And we end with our top story....

As I always say, watch what they DO, not what they SAY:

JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon Preparing For High Risk — “Things Go Terribly Wrong”

Ok, that's a wrap.

One important note before you go...we'll be completing our email migration soon and that means you are at risk of being left behind!

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Your friend,



Conservatives are realizing just how powerful we can be if we stick together and let our voices be heard.

Great idea, right?

If we want to take back our freedoms and end the Woke Mind Virus, we must take a stand and make permanent changes.

Simply changing stores doesn’t solve our problem as almost all are controlled and the products they sell are just as bad.

Over 90% of the products on store shelves are controlled by the same globalist hedge funds as the big box stores.

As always, I bring you an actual solution from my friends at Patriot Switch.

We have partnered with an American made, family and patriot owned manufacturer that supplies us with our everyday essentials and actually cares about its customers and freedom in this country.

I'm doing two special online gatherings to give you all the details, I hope one will work for you, both are totally FREE!

Join me this coming Tuesday at 8:30pm Eastern, 7:30pm Central here:  JOIN ON TUESDAY

Or join me this coming Saturday at 12:00 noon Eastern, 11:00am Central here: JOIN ON SATURDAY

If neither of those work for you, or if you'd prefer a personal phone call, I have a team of Concierge Patriots helping me with this Mission and one of them would be happy to call you 1-on-1.

If you'd prefer a personal call, just add your info here and one of my Concierge Patriots will call you:  Yes, Please Have Someone Call Me


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