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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/18/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Saturday night Newsletter.

BIG day today, can’t wait to show you everything.

Let’s start right here (sadly):

BREAKING: Rudy Giuliani Indicted

Then we go to a couple strange ones....

First with Biden:

15 Seconds And Not A Single Blink

And then this from Trump:

President Trump: “Are we going to be considered 2 term or 3 term…?”

What do you think he means by that?

I give you my thoughts in the article.

By the way, one quick note....I think most of you understand this, but every once in a while I get an email from someone saying the small grey text below the articles is hard to read in the Newsletter.

Each one of these that I give you is a standalone article that you need to click into to read.

They're much more than just the small grey text preview shown.  That is just a preview.

I think most people know that, but I wanted to mention it because enough people have asked over the years that I wanted to clarify.

I don't want you missing out on the best part!

Ok, next up we sadly have another "Died Suddenly" today:

BREAKING: Popular CNN Commentator “Dies Suddenly” At Age 58

And no, I am not gloating or taking any pleasure in the fact that she previously tried to shame all unvaxxed people.

We don't know for sure what she died of, and even if it was vaccine related, there is nothing to be gained by gloating over that.  It's very sad.  Extremely sad.  And that's why we tried everything we could to warn people at the time.  We did our part, I sleep well at night knowing that.  I guided people well.

Speaking of the poison vaxx though:

“Some People Got Significant Side Effects From The Vaccine,” Former CDC Director Says [WATCH]

Ok one more here:

Elon Musk Demands Fauci’s ARREST Over Wuhan Lab Funding Lie

Next up, the Legacy Media refuses to cover this, but it is a HUGE story.

Silver is absolutely setting records -- just like we've been telling you would happen:

Precious Metals Surge: Silver Hits 11-Year High

More here from our good friend Bo Polny:

Bo Polny: SILVER in MAY – Trading will SHUT DOWN!!

Next we have an explanation from Vivek on why Joe Biden recently flip-flopped on debating Trump....and it makes perfect sense to me.

Take a look:

EXPOSED: Vivek Explains Why The Democrats Are Suddenly Letting Biden Debate Trump

Next up, I absolutely LOVE what these guys are doing:

Why Real American Beef Is Under Attack (and 3 Reasons Why Beef Is Unique)

Next we have our most popular story of the day:

Hank Kunneman’s PROPHETIC WORD For President Trump

And we end with our top report:

Biden Staffer Suddenly Resigns: “I Can No Longer in Good Conscience Continue to Represent This Administration”

Gotta run!

Your friend,



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