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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/20/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Monday night Newsletter.

Before we hit the news tonight, I warned all week long that we would have a migration coming up and I didn’t want anyone to get left behind.

I think we covered most people, but I asked everyone to add your email into our list to make double-sure we didn’t lose you.

Well, turns out we did the migration on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and today my Inbox had multiple emails saying “Where did you go?”

I knew that would happen, so I’m taking one more shot.

If you didn’t get our Newsletter the last few days, I need you to add your email address in to the link directly below:

TAP HERE and add your email address in to make sure you end up on our new email list — do it please even if you’ve received this Newsletter for 10 years with no problems.

Of course it’s 100% FREE — always will be.

That will make sure I don’t lose you!

Now on with the news, and we start tonight with Bo Polny:

Bo Polny Nailed It Again! “Suddenly….In May!”

Bo told me last week on my show that May would be nothing, nothing, nothing .... and then SUDDENLY boom!

And sure enough that's what happened today!


Bo's Newsletter subscribers have even more detail, but today was truly incredible.

Bitcoin suddenly jumped about $6,000 (intraday) and I think more is coming.

Bo knows!

Next up is something disappointing to me:

NFL Legend Supports DEI, Attacks University That Removed DEI Programs

I grew up loving the Cowboys and Emmitt Smith was in the Triplets baby!

One of the best!

Sadly, he's become a far-left, woke, DEI libtard.

So sad to see that Emmitt, you're dead to me!

Speaking of Far-Left Libtards, here is MIT:

MIT Under Fire: Discriminating Practices Brought to Light

The administration should listen to the wise students I interviewed there last year.

They can help you straighten this all out!

And next up, I think this will connect a lot of dots for you:

Why Are So Many World Leaders Suddenly Being Killed or ATTEMPTED To Be Killed?

More here:

Saudi Arabia’s King Hospitalized

Love this:

Court Gives Trump Team Another Opportunity To Remove Fani Willis From Georgia Case

Then we have something you gotta love:

Classic Video of Donald Trump Dominating Multiple Sports Suddenly Going Viral Online

Trump talking a 3rd term?

Not exactly.

I explain here:

Trump Eyes 3rd Term Amid 2024 Talks?

And a story we broke last year is now suddenly back.


Soros Twitter Profile Army Returns: “Trump Froze!”

Not entirely sure what is going on here:

After Iran’s President Is Confirmed Dead, Richard Grennel Posts Some Strange Tweets!

Love this:

Judge Dismantles Jack Smith’s Latest Demand In Classified Documents Case Against Trump With Rare Sunday Ruling

And how great is it when the star witness against you admits to stealing $30,000 from your company?

Breaking: Michael Cohen Just ADMITTED Stealing $30,000 From Trump Organization

Don't miss this beauty:

Top Silicon Valley Democrat Donor Switches Parties — Funds President Trump!

And we end with our top story:

Trump Announces Who He’s Considering To Appoint As Attorney General

See you tomorrow!

Your friend,



Do you have one of these?

In my opinion EVERYONE should have one!

Critical Medications Every American Should Have On Hand (Including Ivermectin) – And How To Get Them Prescribed



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