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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/21/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Tuesday night Newsletter.

Today is one of those days where we had so much news coming in I couldn’t barely take a break….so you get EXTRA tonight.

No charge, of course!

Ok, let’s jump right in starting here with the biggest revelation of the day:

BREAKING: Unsealed Documents Reveal The FBI Authorized Use of “Deadly Force” During Mar-a-Lago Raid

If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were HOPING to get into a shootout.

Sick stuff.

Then we had this in a related report that started to go viral online but we fact-checked it.

Results here:

FACT-CHECKED: Did Ron DeSantis Know About The Mar-A-Lago Raid Ahead Of Time?

And President Trump was in Court all day and had no idea, but when he emerged he did this:

President Trump UNLEASHES After Emerging From Court To Find Out What The FBI Did

Next up we have disgraced "lawyer" Michael Cohen and the revelation that what he ADMITTED to on the stand is worse than everything they are charging President Trump with.

Let that sink in:

Michael Cohen’s Admission Of Stealing $60,000 From His Employer Is A HIGHER Level Of Crime Than What Trump Is Charged With!

And the Judge in this case is continuing to go downhill, fast.

Is this normal behavior?

Attorneys, I want to hear from you:

Judge Merchan Loses It: Clears Courtrooom, Shouts at Trump Defense Witness GET OUT OF THE COURTROOM, NOW!

Then we have President Trump ONCE AGAIN posting about "the Purge":

President Trump AGAIN Posts About The “Pause”

Remember, I don't make the news, I just report it.

And then we have this:

Biden To Drain Oil Reserves To Attempt Lower Prices at Pump

Ok, next is another Fact-Check.

I saw several high profile Twitter accounts posting this today, but we get to the bottom of it (no pun intended):

FACT-CHECK: Joe Biden Farts and Entire Room Laughs

With Bitcoin soaring, I can't help but be amazing that Bo Polny nailed it again:

Bo Polny Nailed It Again! “Suddenly….In May!”

And then a personal favorite....

I actually made this today.

How perfect is this?

It’s Time For The Return of the KING!

And then we have yet ANOTHER Fact-Check.

Why so many?

Because the lying Legacy Media is ramping up for the Election!

FACT-CHECK: Did President Trump Really Post A Video Calling For a “Unified Reich?”

Next is something really fun....

Remember the famous "what color is this dress?"

Well, here is the latest:

It’s The New White-Gold Dress: What Do You Hear?

And we end with our top story:

President Trump Reveals The Surprising State Where He’d Like To Retire

Told you it was a big day!

I have to run, I am EXHAUSTED and I'm hitting the sack!

Your friend,



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