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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/29/22



Hey friends,

Noah here and hope your Sunday has been wonderful!

The news never sleeps and I have some big stuff you may have missed if you’ve been busy with family and friends…

Let’s start with this:

Detroit Tigers Ticket Sales Reportedly Funding Transgender Surgeries for Children

You ok with that Detroit fans?

And get ready for the next planned-demic:

Mosquito Pools in South Georgia Test Positive for Rare, Deadly Virus

They just never quit!

This next one is very interesting:

Nancy Pelosi’s Husband, Paul Pelosi, Arrested

Are they getting ready to throw Nancy Pelosi under the bus to try and save their own hides?

Won’t work!

So great to hear from our President last night.

In case you missed it, I have a highlight video as well as the full speech for you.

This was absolutely one of his best ever, he is rested and fired up!

Watch here:

President Trump’s POWERFUL Speech In Casper, Wyoming [HIGHLIGHTS + FULL SPEECH]

On a very special Sunday, I bring you this great Gospel message next…

Two actually:

Today’s Gospel Message: GOD WINS!

And what a fantastic video to honor those we have lost on this Memorial Day Weekend:

God Bless All Those Who Keep Us Safe! (Memorial Day 2022)

Next up, another day another food plant torched!

Fire Causes ‘Substantial’ Damage to London, Ontario Chicken-Processing Plant

They sure are doing everything they can to destroy the food supply, aren’t they?

If you think it’s bad now, you have no idea what the next 60 days will bring.

Make sure you’re preThey say pared and your family is safe:🚨-dr-dave-janda-the-food-supply-will-go-down-is-going-down-right-now/

And we end with our top story:

Is “2000 Mules” Investigator Gregg Phillips about to Expose a “Multinational Deal Involving Billions of Dollars”?

They say the next evidence coming out will make the Mules look like child’s play.

Buckle up!

Your friend,



Something brand new for you tonight…

How awesome is this?  #UltraMAGA baby!

And I can get you 50% off for a limited time.

Who loves ya baby?

Check availability and sizes here:


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