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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 6/12/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Wednesday night Newsletter.

I hope you’re doing great tonight, excited to show you all we’ve got!

We start off with this story, still a developing situation:

STANDOFF at FBI Building, Armed Woman

Next up, we delve into a new mystery….

Did Obama’s official portrait have a hidden demonic message just like King Charles’ portrait?

WE INVESTIGATE: Does President Obama’s Official “In The Bushes” Portrait Contain The Same Hidden Demons As King Charles’?

Love to see this next one, but now DO SOMETHING about it!

No more strongly worded letters, throw him in prison!

Use the Sergeant At Arms!

JUST IN: House Votes To Hold Attorney General Merrick Garland In Contempt Of Congress

The next two leave my asking what in the world is happening at our schools?


First up:

The Choking Coach, Allegedly Attacks 14 Year Old Student

Then this:

‘Shh Don’t Tell Your Parents’ – Teacher Secretly Drives Student To Life Altering Procedure

Do you send your kids to public schools?

Would you?

More VP rumors swirling today:

VP Rumors Circulate As Ben Carson Announces He Will Be In Hometown With Donald Trump, Another Contender Allegedly Now ‘Unlikely’ To Be Chosen

Not sure about you, but of all the names out there I think Vivek is the best choice.

What do you think?

Then we have a truly funny guy, and also a guy who is Conservative, Christian and Red Pilled….

So of course they had to pull him offstage:

Cancelled Mid Skit to Calling Out Will Smith: The Adventures of Newly Converted Rob Schneider

Love this!

Another good omen for November!

Nancy Mace Wins South Carolina Primary in Major Blow to RINOs

Don’t miss this:

JUST IN: Oprah Winfrey Hospitalized

And the Legacy Media and social media networks are doing all they can to censor this next story….

It’s normal, they say!

Just normal drills!

Nothing to see here.

Yeah, right.

If you’re dumb enough to believe that, I can’t help you:

Cold War 2.0: Pentagon On Full Alert As Russian Warships Enter Havana Harbor

And then we have this beauty….

Just like we told you all along!

VINDICATED: Attorney Sidney Powell Wins HUGE Appeal In Texas!

Ok, our top story tonight is something REALLY COOL and completely brand new to the market.

You truly can’t find this anywhere else, it’s such a cool idea and you’re seeing it here first.

I talk so much about Gold and Silver, and they are great for retirement plans of course.

But they’re also great to have some on hand in case you need to use it for actual barter!

I think those days may be coming soon….very soon.

And sure you can buy coins, but here is something brand new that turns your Silver and Gold into truly useful and usable monetary instruments!

I love this and I’m going to be getting some for myself.

Oh one heads up, the Gold is already sold out but Silver is currently in stock at least as of the time I’m writing this Newsletter.

See it here:

“Wealth In Your Wallet”: New Prepper Bar Disrupts Gold and Silver Industry

Told ya it was cool!

That’s a wrap for tonight.

Your friend,



Do you have one of these?

In my opinion EVERYONE should have one!

Critical Medications Every American Should Have On Hand (Including Ivermectin) – And How To Get Them Prescribed



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