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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 6/3/22

Hey friends,
Noah here and Steve Bannon said earlier today what I have been saying for years: they love to dump the big stories on a Friday afternoon when they think you aren’t watching!
He’s right.
And it happened again today!
Good thing is we are ALWAYS watching.
It’s our job.
And in case you were busy at work, with family, with friends, or just living your life, we’ve got ya covered baby!
Let’s start with Steve Bannon himself and this big news:
Bannon’s “Precinct Strategy” to Secure Elections is Panicking Main Stream Media
Gotta love it.
Bannon is one of the good guys, and he has my support and admiration.
Thank you for all you do Steve, you’re a patriot!
Next is another big one:
HUGE VICTORY: Arizona Ballot Trafficker Has Talked; Indictments To Flow!
I told you all it would take are 1-2 small fish to start flipping on the higher ups, and then the dominoes would start to really accelerate.
Looks like it’s started!
Arizona and probably at least 45 other states were RED in 2020….you can mark that down and take it to the bank!
Next we have to talk about “Gay Pride” month since it’s June.
Here’s my take (enjoy):
Another big win for what many are calling the best Governor in the all the 50 states, Ron DeSantis:
Florida Scores HUGE Court Victory Ahead of 2022 Midterm Elections
He is not backing down on anything!
Go Ron!
And we end with something truly bizarre and very Masonic:
Your thoughts on the Queen?
Write me back or leave a comment, I’d love to know.
I do know one thing: everyone who idolizes the royals, worships them, wakes up in the middle of the night to watch their weddings, needs to stop.
Yeah, I said it.
Your friend,
Something brand new for you tonight…
How awesome is this? #UltraMAGA baby!
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