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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 6/3/23

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Saturday night Newsletter.
I hope you had an awesome day.
I ran 10 miles in 95 degree heat, sweated a ton, and then hit the pool with the kids!
But before and after that we had a very busy day in the news and I’m excited to show you our top stories.
First, a friendly reminder to make sure we’re connected on Twitter…
We currently have 23,000 Followers but I’d like to get to 100,000 by the end of the summer.
Please find and follow us at Daily Noah:
Ok, let’s start off tonight with this:
That’s something I’ve been wanting to write for a long time and finally was able to do it today.
Do you agree?
I love being Punk Rock!
Do you like the name Noah Vicious or Noah Ramone better?
In a somewhat related note, here is President Trump:
And the RINOs at the RNC are at it again.
Did you catch that last requirement?
Next is a public service announcement for anyone who has back pain…
It could be as simple as a bad mattress.
I got a new one from Mike a couple years ago and I’m still loving it:
This next one is stunning…
And it’s even more stunning where it happened:
Next up is a major warning to anyone who doesn’t want to eat Rat Poison with their dinner.
These companies do not like you:
WARNING: New Study Shows “Rat Poison” Found In Major Brand Name Spices!
And the place with the LEAST amount of Free Speech continues to be Facebook and Instagram, ran by that Lizard Android Lt. Commander Data — errrrrrrrrr, I mean Mark Zuckerberg:
And in case you didn’t get my reference, I give you this:
The resemblance is uncanny!
Also, as long as I’m somewhat talking about ST:TNG, I have to say I was a HUGE ST:TNG fan growing up.
Still am.
One of the best shows ever made.
But recently I decided to watch The Orville after seeing many people say it is better than ST:TNG.
And I have to say….it just might be better!
Incredible to even consider that, but it’s that good!
And I sure hope those DOPES at Disney give it a 4th Season.
Anyone else a fan?
We’ve got 4 million people reading this, I’d love to know how many of you are a fan of either ST:TNG or The Orville…or both!
Then I have to re-run something I brought you last night because I don’t want you to miss this.
How incredibly stupid can they get?
Stupid or….it’s intentional.
What’s your money on?
I’m on the latter.
And one other one I also ran last night but I really want your thoughts:
Jamie Foxx Partially Paralyzed And Blind…Or Playing Pickleball?
What’s going on here?
We end with our top story…
A personal invite from me to you for this coming Tuesday night.
I’m throwing a big party on Zoom and I want you to be there!
Details here:
Ok friends, that’s a wrap!
See ya back here tomorrow for our Sunday edition.
Your friend,
Our most popular Trump hat ever was completely SOLD OUT for about 9 months.
It’s finally back in stock, with a limited run.
Claim your spot in line to get one for FREE here if you want one…👇
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