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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 6/30/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Sunday night Newsletter.

I told you earlier this year that I expected 2024 would just be a constant escalation of news all year long.

And that has certainly been the case!

Each day, there is more and more to cover, bigger and bigger stories.

And today, even on a “Sleepy Sunday” was no exception.

I’m so excited to show you all we’ve got, let’s jump right in.

So we start with a report I first brought you late last night:

BREAKING: Joe Biden To Drop Out Tomorrow! Source: NBC News

Then I brought you an update this morning:

UPDATE: If Joe Biden Does Not Drop Out Today, Watch July 4th!

And here’s my favorite part….

Then Bill O’Reilly confirmed my reporting!

I can’t even tell you how surreal that is.

Read here:

Bill O’Reilly Just Confirmed What We Told You Yesterday: Joe Biden Is Dropping Out

Ok, so now let’s cover a question I keep getting from so many of you….

What happens to all the donations made to Joe Biden if “Joe Biden” is no longer in the race?

Where does all that money go?

I explain here:

EXPLAINED: What Happens To Biden’s Campaign Donations If He Drops Out?

And I absolutely loved seeing this today:

HILARIOUS: Democrat Email Leaked….Shows Trump Beats ALL Democrat Candidates, Including Biden!

Every single one!

It’s a beautiful thing!

But they have to put SOMEONE in to replace him….

Who will it be?


Big Mike?


The Rock?



REPORT: Biden Set Up to Fail in Debate While Far-Left Governor Quietly Prepares to Run — But It’s Not Newsom!

Next up, can you even imagine this?

It’s already happening!

Punished for Donating to Your Local Church?

Now back to Joe Biden….

Can anyone honestly tell me this is really the same guy?

SIMPLE QUESTION: Is This The Same Guy?

And this was a real laugh and a half:

Nancy Pelosi Deranged on CNN: Trump Is The One With “Dementia”

But the pendulum is swinging….

Common sense starting to come back:

Target Finally Cracks Down on Shoplifters– Employees Can Now Halt Thefts Worth Over $50

A big heads up on this one:

Historian Who Correctly Predicted 9/10 Past Elections Weighs In On Whether Democrats Should Replace Biden

And of course your Sunday Gospel message:

Today’s Gospel Message: “When I Am Afraid”

And we end with our top story….

So many of you asked how this ended up and I have the answer right here:

CNN Debate Ratings Are In — Complete Disaster!

Your friend,



A quick THANK YOU to everyone who supports this Newsletter.  For nearly 10- years now, I’ve been providing this Newsletter as a FREE service to support Trump and get the real news out….  

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