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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/1/22

Hey friends,
Noah here and I’m ready to kick off this holiday weekend with your Friday night edition of the Newsletter!
Hope your day has been awesome.
We start with a story that I think is hilarious and perfect poetic justice:
Bed, Bath & Beyond Fires CEO, Reportedly Cuts AC In Stores After Canceling MyPillow
Meanwhile, sticking with Mike for a minute, they just won’t leave him alone.
Reminds me of TDS = Trump Derangement Syndrome!
Looks like TDS is very similar to LDL = Lindell Derangement Syndrome because look what’s reportedly happening to Bank of America customers:
They just HATE the idea that we can use our own free will and free choice to support a company we like!
They hate not being able to control everything you do, say and think!
Evil stuff.
Moving on, we have some very funny/weird stuff happening at Pearl Harbor:
And I can’t even believe this next one…
Can’t believe he actually said it, but he did:
Biden Regime: $5 Gas For As Long As It Takes To Protect The “Liberal World Order”!
Yeah, that’s a big NO for me dog!
These people have completely lost all touch with reality.
And speaking of evil people, Twitter did what Twitter does today and it’s absolutely disgusting:
PURE EVIL: Twitter Suspends Account of Dr. Zelenko’s Charitable Foundation the Day He Died
God’s justice will not be kind on them…
And I love this from Matt Gaetz:
Rep. Matt Gaetz Introduces the ‘Disarm the IRS Act’ of 2022 to Ban Agency From Acquiring Ammunition
100% right Matt!
Absolutely NO reason for the IRS to be “stockpiling’ ammunition!
Actually, not reason for them to have ANY ammunition in the first place.
Literally, no reason for them to have one single bullet.
And I’ll take it one step further: no reason for the IRS to exist in the first place!
It is completely unconstitutional, did you know that?
Did you know our Country did NOT have an IRS or any federal tax for over the first 100+ years of its existence?
Did you know the IRS was not created until 1862?
Did you know many brilliant legal scholars today say the IRS has no legal basis to exist?
All true!
And we end with our top story:
South Dakota to Become First State to Repeal Concealed Carry Fees
Another wonderful patriot!
Do you know the legal truth about this one?
It’s all found in Murdock vs. Pennsylvania (319 US 105).
From the 1943 Supreme Court case:
A State may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the Federal Constitution. P. 319 U. S. 113.
So fees to obtain a concealed carry permit?
100% unconstitutional.
I hope you learned a lot tonight!
That’s how we do things around here…while others are out partying on a Friday night, we bring the education!
And we have a lot more coming this weekend….
Some big stories I’ve been wanting to cover but just haven’t had the time.
Stay tuned!
Ok, one bonus before I go:
Your friend,
We’ve started a new Twitter account to bring breaking news alerts throughout the day.
Before we can get an article published, we can get a news alert out via Twitter.
I know it’s been a cesspool for the far-left, but I’m banking on Elon getting the deal closed and quickly turning it around.
And we want to be there when he does.
So will you give us a Follow here? 👇
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