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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/14/22




Hey friends,

Noah here with your Thursday edition of the Newsletter.

Hope your week has been as good as mine!

Before we hit the news, I’m giving you the sneak peak first here on the Newsletter…

These are FINALLY back but we were only able to get a small batch.

If you want one (FREE):

Isn’t that the coolest hat you’ve ever seen?

I already have one, but I’m getting a second.

Ok, now on to the news….

And it’s sad news first to report as the Trump family lost an icon today:

Found dead at the bottom of the stairs, according to reports.

So sad.

From the President we move to the Resident and one question:

Why does he keep doing this?

So weird!

Is he seeing ghosts?  Spirits?  Demons?

Brain just totally fried?

Why is this guy so weird?

Speaking of weird, what is going on with this?

HUGE warning on this next one…

This is vile and pornographic beyond belief.

And I’d never show you that, except….these sick people seem to think this is ok for your KIDS to see in school.

Yes, really.

WARNING: do not send me angry emails if you click on this and are offended by what you see.

But I must report the news, especially when our kids are at risk:

In case you missed it, our top story of the week is a massive Durham update.

He’s getting ready to strike:

And we end with our top story.

Remember when the prophets said that soon there would start to come admissions from their own mouths?

They wouldn’t even realize they were admitting to things as they were coming out of their mouths?

Well….it’s started:

Ok, that’s a wrap.

Have a great rest of your evening!

Or for everyone who reads this first thing in the morning (I know there are a lot of you)….have a great Friday!

Your friend,



This blue “Trump Won” hat was our most popular hat we’ve ever posted.

For obvious reasons.

But they sold out quick and we couldn’t get any more in until now.

And now we FINALLY have a new small batch coming in.  

The Newsletter gets first dibs on these and I can’t promise they will last long.

I also can’t promise they will ever come back in stock once they’re gone.

Oh….did I mention they are FREE?

Check availability here…👇

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