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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/15/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Monday night Newsletter.

Another absolutely loaded day where we now have our Vice President!

More on that in just a moment.

First up, a quick announcement that I’m having Jovan Pulitzer back on my show tomorrow (Tuesday) at 2pm central time to do a full forensic breakdown of the attempted Trump assassination.

No one better to do a forensic analysis, so that’s why I’m having him back on so soon.

You won’t want to miss this and we will be LIVE and taking questions and comments, so tune in!

We’ll be streaming on Twitter and Rumble.

You can follow my on Twitter at @DailyNoahNews above, and make sure you’re following me on Rumble so you get the alert tomorrow when we go live:

Ok, now we have our Vice President!

BREAKING: Trump Announces His Vice President Pick!

Confession time….this was not my first choice, but perhaps that is because I just wasn’t educated enough.

The more I dug into JD Vance, the more I started to like this guy…A LOT!

This was all I needed to see to know he’s one of the good guys:

Tucker Carlson Responds To Trump Selecting J.D. Vance As VP

And also Mitt Romney saying he can’t think of anyone he hates more than JD Vance.

Ok then, sounds like a massive endorsement to me!

See that and a bunch more in here:

JD Vance: Can He Fight Off Being Compromised?

Next up is something that is really starting to tick me off….

Read here and make sure you’re not doing this:

STOP Calling Him “Former President Trump”!

This next one is hilarious….

He came within one word of saying Make America Great Again:

WATCH: Joe Biden Nearly Says “Make America Great Again”

Update on President Trump’s ear:

Trump Reveals A Piece Of His Ear Is Gone

And even Far-Left MSNBC knew “Morning Joe” couldn’t be trusted today to be on TV, so they pulled them off the air:

MSNBC Pulls Morning Joe Because Of Trump Shooting

Good, now make it permanent.

This show is pure trash.

Getting lost in everything else today is this MASSIVE news:

BREAKING: Judge Aileen Cannon Dismisses Trump’s Classified Document Case

I don’t want to give any extra attention to this dead scum, but it is important to get the news out.

And this is big news:

EXPOSED: Here’s Everything We Know About Trump Shooter: Thomas Matthew Crooks

Just tonight news broke that Elon Musk is donating $45 million to President Trump!

Oh wait, I ended that sentence to early, that was supposed to say “per month!”

BREAKING: Elon Musk To Donate $45 Million To President Trump…..PER MONTH!

And in an absolutely iconic moment, President Trump made a surprise appearance at Day 1 of the RNC.

And let’s just say his security detail looks a bit “improved”.

ICONIC: President Trump Makes Surprise Appearance At RNC Day 1

So good to see our President smiling so big!

Gotta run.

See you tomorrow.

Your friend,



Conservatives are realizing just how powerful we can be if we stick together and let our voices be heard.

Great idea, right?

If we want to take back our freedoms and end the Woke Mind Virus, we must take a stand and make permanent changes.

Simply changing stores doesn’t solve our problem as almost all are controlled and the products they sell are just as bad.

Over 90% of the products on store shelves are controlled by the same globalist hedge funds as the big box stores.

As always, I bring you an actual solution from my friends at Patriot Switch.

We have partnered with an American made, family and patriot owned manufacturer that supplies us with our everyday essentials and actually cares about its customers and freedom in this country.

I’m doing two special online gatherings to give you all the details, I hope one will work for you, both are totally FREE!

Join me this coming Tuesday at 8:30pm Eastern, 7:30pm Central here:  JOIN ON TUESDAY

Or join me this coming Saturday at 12:00 noon Eastern, 11:00am Central here: JOIN ON SATURDAY

If neither of those work for you, or if you’d prefer a personal phone call, I have a team of Concierge Patriots helping me with this Mission and one of them would be happy to call you 1-on-1.

If you’d prefer a personal call, just add your info here and one of my Concierge Patriots will call you:  Yes, Please Have Someone Call Me



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