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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/16/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Tuesday night Newsletter.

We start tonight with something that actually blew me away (no pun intended)….

I asked Jovan Pulitzer to come back on my show tonight to do a full forensic breakdown of the Trump shooting and he graciously agreed.

I knew it was going to be informative and very good, but I had no idea he was going to tell me what he did.

Folks, if even half of this is true, we have a major problem on our hands the likes of which most people can’t even fathom.

Just read/watch here — trust me, it’s worth your time (in fact, I have many people saying they’ve already watched it twice):

Jovan Pulitzer: “Return Snipers Did NOT Kill Him” — “There Was A Second Malvo Shooter!”

Love to get your thoughts.

On a related note, because we absolutely also discussed this, please read here:


Meanwhile, the dorks over in the Legacy Media are trying to tell you Iran was behind this:

REPORT: Iran Had Plot to ASSASSINATE Trump Weeks Before Shooting

Oh sure, ok dorks!

Yeah, I’m sure it was IRAN and not our own Deep State.

Gee, thanks!

You sure about all that or did you just get done watching Top Gun 2 and thought you’d make it a news story?

What a freaking joke!

They still think we’re living in the 50-years ago world where Dan Rather could just come on the 6pm news and tell everyone what he wanted them to believe.

Sorry, that world is GONE!

Moving on….speaking of the Legacy Media, you have to laugh when even CNN has to admit this:


And then we have a Fact-Check!

Because I got so tired of seeing this lie fly all over Twitter.

FACT-CHECKED: No, President Trump Didn’t “Fall Asleep” At RNC

Moving on, we also had this today at the RNC:

BREAKING: Cops Shoot, Kill Man Armed With Knives Outside RNC

And getting lost in all of this (twice now) is what just happened in China.

I’m sure this is nothing….

BREAKING: 40 Chinese Banks Just Crashed and Vanished — “Worse Than 1980 S&L Crisis!”


Coming here next!

And then we have my personal favorite story of the day.

EXACTLY like Kim Clement told us 10 years ago!

Now playing out on the world stage:

Man Who Prophesied Trump Shooting 3 Months In Advance Says Trump Will Be Radically Reborn — On FIRE For Jesus!

And we end with our top story:

JUST IN: President Trump Calls Wife of Man Killed At Rally

Before I go, I wanted to show you something that has kind of taken on a life of it’s own…..

I wrote this a couple weeks ago, and it has struck a nerve with so many people.

So many people liking, sharing and commenting on this and emailing me to say how much you agree.

I love it!


Health the way God designed us is so important!

Stop spraying your skin with horrible toxins….

Get the vitamins and minerals God created for you to get from the sun!

All in moderation, of course.

Details here:

Vitamin D — They’ve Been Lying To You All Along (Here’s The Truth)

Before you go:

Don’t forget to Follow Me on my new JudoNoah Facebook Page right here:

And once you get in there, please Like + Share a few of the most recent posts….

It helps us defeat the algorithm!

Your friend,



Do you have one of these?

In my opinion EVERYONE should have one!

Critical Medications Every American Should Have On Hand (Including Ivermectin) – And How To Get Them Prescribed




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