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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/17/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Wednesday night Newsletter.

Another absolutely insane day….the news is coming in faster than I can get it out to you!

And that’s ok, I love a good challenge!

But it means I am also trying to get you a Morning Report whenever I can.

Today was one of those days and there is some GREAT stuff in here.

If you missed it or haven’t read it yet, start here:

Noah’s MORNING Newsletter – 7/17/24

Ok, now the rest....

We start with a repeat of one I brought you last night because this is absolutely going viral.

And for good reason.

If you haven't seen this yet, just trust me and take the time to watch.  It will blow your mind.

Jovan Pulitzer: “Return Snipers Did NOT Kill Him” — “There Was A Second Malvo Shooter!”

And while there's a lot of very heavy stuff in there, do NOT fear!

They want us afraid and cowering.

That's not how we roll.

Do this instead:

One Way To Protect Your Family Against the Left’s Last Gasp To Stay in Power

Next up, you've probably seen that aerial image showing the path of the bullet and Trump's turned head.

Really incredible image.

But this came out today and it's even better:

Stunning New Video Shows How Trump Miraculously Turned To Avoid The “PERFECT SHOT”

I've watched that on repeat many times, still stunning each time to realize what happened in those split seconds.

Meanwhile, I got a real kick out of this:

HILARIOUS! Joe Biden Has A “100 Day Plan”

A 100 Day Plan, Joe?


You're already in office!

And there's more than 100 days between now and the election.

Just do all the things now then!

Of course, we all know he can't.

Which is why this is so incredibly stupid!

But it seems like even as stubborn as Joe is, even he is possibly seeing the writing on the wall:

BREAKING: Biden Will Consider Dropping Out Under ONE Condition…

Next up is a real stunner....

I'm just posting pictures and asking questions, but can anyone explain this?

Can Anyone Explain This?

Or how about this?

FOX NEWS Just Called Donald Trump The “Sitting President”

Oh, I know, I know...

Just another slip of the tongue.

It's about the 100th one, but ok just another accident.

At what point do the coincidences become too many to write off?

I got a REAL kick out of this one:

Joe Biden: I Can’t Go To Rural Areas Without Getting The Middle Finger From Little Kids

And the more we dig, the more BIBLICAL questions we run into.

I did not expect to see this today, and yet here it was:

President Trump….In Exodus 29?


Now back to Joe....

This sure moved fast:

BIDEN: “I’ll Drop Out If I Get A Medical Condition” — COUPLE HOURS LATER: “Biden has COVID!”

Dropping out or dying is imminent?

In fact, I ran this poll on Twitter:

Which do you think happens first?

Getting lost in all the fast-breaking news is Gold and Silver suddenly starting to make some big moves.

There's a reason I keep telling you about this!

Don't miss out....

Don't be caught unprepared.

I'll be bringing you an article tomorrow from the Christian Prophet who told us about Trump's ear being blown off back in March.

He has some VERY nasty things to say about the crash of our economy and the crash of the US Dollar starting in January.

And that makes sense doesn't it?

If Trump gets in, the first thing they'll do is a massive crash of the market to try and hurt and slow down Trump.

Got Gold?

You're going to wish you did:

As Gold Prices Surge, This Faith-Based Gold Company Shows People How To Get in Now

And speaking of prophecies, I want to end with Kim Clement.

His "Seasons Prophecy" is going viral right now, playing out perfectly in front of our very eyes 10 years after he first gave it back in 2024.

But there's one part no one is focusing on, and it jumped out at me like a flashing red light today.

In one part he says Trump will "come back" (which is crazy enough on his own that he knew there would be a Pause), but that he would come back for TWO MORE terms!

And that's not all.

Right before he said that, he talked about a changing of the laws in the USA.

Folks....this might sound crazy, but then again all of the true prophecies do until they play out before your very eyes....but is it possible we actually get Trump 2024-2032?

Read here:

Did Kim Clement Say President Trump Will Get TWO MORE Terms? Watch This!


See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



After years of people asking how they could contact me, I've finally given in and set up a PO Box.

I truly do love hearing from you all so much, and I should have done this years ago.

It's so much fun to go to the Post Office and read all the letters from everyone.

So to all who have been asking, here's how you can reach me:



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