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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/2/22



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Hey friends,

Noah here and I hope you’ve had a fantastic Saturday on this Holiday Weekend.

I told you we were working on some big stories and I’m so excited to show you.

We start with this incredibly exciting new update from Timothy Dixon:

Trust me, don’t miss that one!

And what do we have here?

They were planning this many years ago!

Evil stuff.

Remember last week when Pelosi shoved that child?

Well, today they told us why it was necessary.

You buying this BS?

Now we move into some of the big stories I told you I was working on.

The first is the TRUTH behind 9/11 and this may ruffle some feathers.

But I have to follow the truth wherever it takes me and I hope this really opens up some eyes out there:

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this after you read!

And here’s one more…

The hidden history they never taught you in school because they definitely do NOT want you to know this:

And how perfect is this?

I say this is God’s poetic justice:

Cancel the cash cow and now you can’t even afford to run A/C in your stores?


And so sad — a once great company and store, now circling the drain.

If you need to laugh, I’ve got you covered on this next one.

Jim Brewer absolutely nails it with this:

And we end with our top story….

What do we have here?

VERY interesting.

Take the whole IRS down for all I care!

I won’t shed a tear, how about you?

Told ya we were loaded up tonight!

Hope you enjoyed it and I’d love to hear your thoughts on any of the stories above.

Comment below or write me back.

Your friend,



We’ve started a new Twitter account to bring breaking news alerts throughout the day.

Before we can get an article published, we can get a news alert out via Twitter.

I know it’s been a cesspool for the far-left, but I’m banking on Elon getting the deal closed and quickly turning it around.

And we want to be there when he does.

So will you give us a Follow here? 👇

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