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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/21/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Sunday night Newsletter.

I don’t think I can emphasize this enough….do you think we’re having a “Strange July! Strange July!”?

Without question.

Kim Clement absolutely nailed it and that means we’re in for a wild Fall and Winter.  You’re going to be smiling a LOT.

So of course the latest bombshell to hit was Joe Biden dropping out of the Presidential Race today!

After defiantly claiming he would never leave, he’s out.

I’m SURE it was not of his own free will.  Definitely not of Jill Biden’s free will.  But he got the ax.

I sent a morning alert as it was happening and if you missed that you can find all the early reports right here:

Noah’s MORNING Newsletter – 7/21/24

Now I want to advance the story with everything that has happened between then and now.

Because it's been a fast moving day!

Even though he's out of the race, he somehow thinks he can still be President:

Joe Biden Drops Out, Will Remain As President

I don't expect that to last long.

In fact, I'll go on record as saying I expect him to be either dead or removed by the end of July.

Here's a longer summary of everything I think happens next:

Biden Out, Harris Endorsed — Here Are My Thoughts On What Happens Next

If you think it's crazy now, it's only just begun!

Get ready folks, it's going to be wild!

We had some live boots on the ground at the White House right afterwards and you can see that here:

LIVE: Biden Out! Scenes from the White House

And then one of the biggest question next is what happens to all the millions of campaign donations?

I explain here:

Here’s What Happens Next To Biden’s Campaign Donations Now That He’s Dropped Out!

Some big names (like Biden) immediately endorsed Harris.

But not all.

Obamas have not:

Barack Obama Releases LENGTHY Statement, Does NOT Endorse Kamala Harris

And I thought it was a good time to look back on this after reading Joe Biden's letter:

FLASHBACK: Why Did Joe Biden’s Signature Change?

It might be a VERY good time to stock up on some Gold and Silver.

Trust me, I don't think you will regret it:

Dive Into the 12-Page Story of God, Gold, and Glory

This next one is a parody, but it is SO funny!


HILARIOUS: Fake Joe Biden Addresses The Nation

So next up comes a really nasty, but really entertaining meltdown in the Democrat party!





And it's all going to be so glorious to watch:

A NASTY Brokered Convention For The Democrats Is All But Assured After Today (Only Happened 9 Times In History!)

Can't wait!

It even started already today with this:

BREAKING: Joe Manchin and RFK, Jr. Both Considering Move Back To Democrat Party To Challenge Kamala Harris

There is blood in the water and ALL the sharks are getting in!

I thought Glenn Beck described what I have been feeling and seeing even better than I have described it, so I wanted to share this with you.

It's so spot on.

Read and watch here:

Glenn Beck Perfectly Explains How Donald Trump Is A “Different Man”

And we end with our top story....

Heads up folks, the MSM is telling you HALF the story here, and I'll explain why they are doing it and what the REAL truth is:

FOX NEWS CONFIRMS: There Were At Least THREE Shooters!

Ok, I've gotta run.

See you tomorrow.

Your friend,



After years of people asking how they could contact me, I've finally given in and set up a PO Box.

I truly do love hearing from you all so much, and I should have done this years ago.

It's so much fun to go to the Post Office and read all the letters from everyone.

So to all who have been asking, here's how you can reach me:



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