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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/22/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Monday night Newsletter.

Things are moving extremely fast right now.

The Democrat Brokered Convention idea is OFF and Kamala Harris is now officially the presumptive nominee:

Brokered Convention CANCELLED, Kamala Harris Is Your Democrat Nominee

Here are the 4 most likely Vice President candidates:

[WATCH] Four Potential Running Mates For Kamala Harris, CNN Reporter Claims

And the MOST likely is not a name you would expect:

Here’s Who Kamala Harris’ Running Mate Will Be According To Betting Odds

Meanwhile reports are flying that Joe Biden is already dead.

Lauren Boebert demanded “proof of life” three separate times today!


The best they could do was to finally have Joe Biden “call in” to a Kamala Harris event, but many are questioning the audio.

It sounded “off” and Joe was slurring his words badly.

Many think it was likely faked.

And it’s unclear why in an age of Zoom calls Joe could not appear on video.

I think I know why, and so I posted this:

Joe Biden allegedly calls into Kamala Harris event. Does this audio sound weird to you? Going to need a forensic audit on this

And he seems to be slurring his words very badly, like someone with a mouth full of novocaine. Why?

None of this looks or feels right.

And why audio only? Why can’t we see him? What are they trying to cover up? We live in a world of Zoom calls. ALL calls are video Zooms these days. Why is this audio only?

I believe it’s because he’s dead and they faked the audio. But they didn’t want to risk a bad fake of the video.

Memo to Team Biden: it’s a little thing called Habeas Corpus and it means “produce the body”!

Let’s see him and prove he’s alive.

The longer this goes on, the more it looks like he’s already been dead for several days.

Next up, I know this is going to trigger a lot of people, but I have to publish it anyway:

Yes, A “Great Reset” IS Coming….But It’s Not NESARA!

And I LOVE this:

Trump’s Donation To Kamala Harris Resurfaces, Heres How It Will Help Him BIG In Debates

Make sure you and your family are prepared for what I believe are going to be 15 of the most tumultuous weeks you’ve ever lived through.

Read this:

2024 Will Define America – What Are You Doing to Prepare?

Today the Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle testified before Congress.

And she only made things worse.  Much worse.

First was this bombshell admission that they deleted all the evidence:

INSIDE JOB? Director Cheatle ADMITS The Secret Service No Longer Has Radio Comms From July 13th

Then she refused to answer this simple question, despite admitting she did have the answer.  She just wasn’t going to tell you.

You know what you evil bitch?  (Sorry Franklin)

I don’t much like it when my 4 year old pulls that same routine on me, and I damn sure don’t like it when the leader of the Secret Service (MY employee as a taxpayer) tries to pull that shit!  (Sorry Franklin)

The only reason she won’t answer is because her answer would confirm with 100% certainty that there was a second shooter and Crooks was not, in fact, the real assassin.

And then all Hell breaks loose.

But of course refusing to answer has already given us all the answer we need.  We know.  And this just confirmed it.

Hey, if anyone needs to save roughly $150/month, can I suggest you check this out?

LIMITED TIME OFFER: Ditch Cable, Get VuTV+ — Stop Losing $150 Per Month!

I love what these guys are doing!

If you tried them in the past and had issues, you should know they’ve spent the last year greatly improving the quality of their service.  In fact, I told them a year ago I would not promote them until they fixed some of the annoying glitches.  So for over a year, I did not.  I never want to tell you about something that I think will be a bad experience.  But they eventually put a lot of effort into fixing things up and now I’m getting excellent reports from people and of course the price is so much better than what you’ll find anywhere else.  So I am once again proud to tell you about the amazing service they have!

Ok, we end tonight with Clif High and how he was 100% right with his latest July 15th prediction.

You might not think so and I didn’t either at first, but then it all clicked.  And…!

He truly nailed it and I’m stunned the more I think about it.

Read here:

WOW: Clif High’s July 15th Prediction Was 100% ACCURATE! Let Me Explain….

Gotta run!

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



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