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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/25/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Thursday night Newsletter.

We start off with this gem….

While President Trump fills arenas bigger than most rockstars, Comma-La is filling high school gyms:

Kamala Holds 1st Rally at a HIGH SCHOOL? Looks More Like a Pep Rally

But hey, I have to give it to her….that IS better than Biden could do when he took those 9 people who turned out to see him in 2020 and placed them in far-spaced hula hoops.

Remember that?

81 million vote my ass!

(Sorry Franklin)

Then we have the Kamala-Coup continuing:

Virtual Vote: DNC’s Rules Committee Making Changes

Can’t cheat within the existing rules?

Just change ’em!

Then we have another dictator:

Gov. Gavin Newsom Issues Surprising Executive Order

But I’m so happy to see President Trump finally going on the offensive.

This is the second time in two days and we need to see a lot more of this:

GOING ON OFFENSE: President Trump Reportedly Planning To Sue Over “Equal Time Rule”

We all saw Joe Biden on TV last night….finally.

Or did we?

A lot of VERY strange things.

Look, I have no idea what’s going on, but let’s just talk about this:

Joe Biden Suffers NASTY Bruise On His Face — From What?

And this:

Does COVID and Dementia Make You TALLER? The Internet Is Convinced That Wasn’t Joe Biden Last Night

Meanwhile, Fox News says President Trump was busy flying on Air Force One:

FOX NEWS: “President Trump Flying On Air Force One Today”

And to the best of my knowledge, they have not issued a correction!

Why would they?

This is fascinating:

The 2 cm Miracle: Former White House Doctor on Trump’s Near-Assassination

And I love what these guys are doing:

How A Christian Gold Company Defies Industry’s Retirement Fearmongering Through Prayer and Biblical Hope

People are already scouring over this newly released footage:

Senator Grassley Releases Bodycam Footage: Officers Arriving At Roof During Trump’s Near-Assassination

And speaking of newly released footage….wow!

23 years later?

BREAKING: Never-Before Seen 9/11 Footage Just Released After 23 Years!

And we end with our top story….

Trust me when I tell you, you do not hate these people enough:

BREAKING: Newsweek Now Says “Donald Trump might not have been shot after all”

Pure evil.

Ok, I’ve gotta run.

See you back here tomorrow!

Your friend,



I don’t know about you, but I have several people in my family who suffer from headaches.

We have heating pads and ice packs galore, but they never seem to really help.

That’s why I got one of these and it’s been a LIFE SAVER for our family!

It’s called the Harmony Gel Cap:

Hot and cold….

Full 360 degree coverage…

Totally drug-free relief….

One size fits all…

They’ve been selling out a lot, but you can check to see if it’s in stock here:



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