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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/28/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Sunday night Newsletter.

We start with this epic report:

BREAKING: Paris Thrown into DARKNESS, God Responding To EVIL Olympics?

God will NOT be mocked!

I love it!

And also this:

Major Company Pulls Ads From Olympics After Drag Queens Mocked Last Supper During Olympics Opening Ceremony

Way to go!

That is real courage!

Meanwhile, the Satanic people behind this crap are scrambling and trying to delete the video from everywhere online…..even their own official YouTube account!

Olympics Attempts To Hide Satanic Opening Ceremony After Massive Backlash

Imagine producing something SO horrible and SO offensive and SO evil that you literally have to try and scrub it from the Internet….it’s that bad!

Here’s an idea….how about just stop being Satanic?


Next we go to another DEW attack?

CA’s Biggest “Wildfire” In Years, Was it a DEW Attack?

And Kamala is imploding faster than Joe Biden forgets current events!

NEW POLL: While Trump Dodge’s Bullets, Kamala Dodges Support

This year’s Olympics truly is a Shit-Show (Sorry Franklin):

More Trouble for Olympics: Food SHORTAGE, Athletes Packing Meals Like School Kids

This next report continues to go viral, and for good reason.

I absolutely love Grounding.

And I love “perma-grounding” which is what I’m calling this:

Govt Concealed Tech That Could Prevent FAMINE, Protect from Dangerous 5G & 10Xs Your Health?

Next up, ANOTHER Olympics report….

Yeah, it’s not weird to wear the demonic, Satanic, Baphomet GOAT on a necklace, is it?

Snoop Dogg Wears Baphomet Necklace To The Olympics?

What is wrong with these people?

Switching sides to the good guys, here’s a new prophetic message for President Trump:

Perry Stone: A Prophetic Message For Donald Trump

I am not ruling anything out in the next several months, and one thing I’m especially watching is an EMP attack.

Here’s what that means and how you can be prepared:

EMP Preparedness: How To Protect Your Electronics

It’s at the absolute top of my risk list.

It would be DEVASTATING!

I absolutely loved seeing this next one:

Defiant Trump Rejects Advice To Call Off Outdoor Rallies After Assassination Attempt

And one more on the Olympics….

But not 2024.

This is all about 2012:

Suddenly The 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony Makes a LOT More Sense….

And we end tonight with my brand new interview with Bo Polny…..

It’s pretty incredible what can happen in just 16 days.


See it here:

BO POLNY: Ass-Ass-i-Nation EXPOSED — Full Breakdown

That’s a wrap!

See you back here tomorrow.

Oh, before you go, a quick reminder to bookmark our two archive pages in case we ever lose touch!

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Your friend,



I talk a lot about Gold but here’s something you might not know…

You might be able to get a LOT of it with no money out of pocket!

Yes, really.  

You know I don’t ever lead you astray!

You see, you might have a ton of money in a retirement account in volative stocks and bonds.

I’m not a financial advisor, but that may not be the best thing for you right now….and maybe Gold is a much safer play for you.

You could move some or all of that into Gold and protect yourself without having to pay a dime out of pocket.  

 to see exactly how…

And if you’re more into Silver (I get it), then you need to see this:

Buy It — Break It — Trade It — New Silver “Invention” Has Never Been Done Before!



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